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The Government Forms a Working Committee to Oversee the Development of the Papua New Guinea to be Optimal


By: Maria Pariri Hurlatu )*

The manifestation of how a very strong and real commitment was made by the Government of Indonesia in its efforts to accelerate development in the four new autonomous regions in Papua so that it can continue to be carried out optimally and maximally. In order to ensure this, a Working Committee (Panja) was formed.

Since the reign of Indonesia under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi), the central government has even collaborated with the local regional government (Pemda) and also many stakeholders or other stakeholders to be able to continue to realize equity together. development in all corners of the country without exception.

In fact, as stated by the Head of State, the Government of Indonesia has a priority to carry out development, namely starting from the Land of Papua first. This of course changes how the paradigm of development that has been happening so far, which is still considered Java-centric, is then changed to become Indonesia-centric.

Regarding the equal development efforts carried out by President Joko Widodo in all corners of the archipelago, Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Guspardi Gaus then revealed that his commission would form a working committee (panja), which committee would indeed it will be specifically assigned to be able to oversee how development works in as many as 4 (four) New Autonomous Regions (DOB) in Papua.

He then really hoped that with the formation of the working committee in carrying out supervision on the development of the four regional divisions through the Papua New Guinea, then of course all supervision and work processes on development in the New Bumi Cenderawasih Autonomous Region would be much faster and also carried out carefully. or not at random.

The speed and accuracy of development in Indonesia’s easternmost province is indeed being pursued and intensively intensified by the Government of Indonesia, because it is truly committed to eliminating inequality or social inequality in communities throughout Indonesia.

Not only forming a working committee (Panja) so that they can oversee the whole process of accelerating the development of the New Autonomous Region in Papua, but the DPR RI has also opened very wide the door for accessing complaints to all people in the country, if it turns out that there is a discrepancy between how work program design with what the realization looks like in the field, then the community can directly make complaints and report them so that they can be dealt with as soon as possible.

For information, the existence of a working committee in overseeing the process of developing regional expansion through the New Autonomous Region in Bumi Cenderawasih has a very important and crucial function, because their function is to be able to oversee how the government is doing, especially in development in the Land of Papua, and which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri RI) for development in as many as 4 (four) New Autonomous Regions in Papua.

Also included, the working committee will supervise the government office land in the Papua Mountains Province, which, according to reports received, the office land is a grant from the Customary Chairperson and also the local community.

How important are the tasks and functions carried out by the Panja, of course, if for example proper supervision is not carried out, then it is possible that related to the development and management of the office land that was given as a grant, it will not be carried out optimally.

Meanwhile, according to the Chairperson of Commission II DPR RI, Ahmd Doli Kurnia, the agreement from Commission II of the DPR RI to form a working committee (Panja) regarding the Evaluation of the Establishment and Administration of the Four New Autonomous Regions (DOB) in Bumi Cenderawasih, according to the Chairperson of Commission II DPR RI, Ahmd Doli Kurnia, was to be able to oversee the entire process. and the implementation of the formation of four new autonomous regions in Papua.

Several other things that will be overseen are also regarding how local government organizations (Pemda) are formed, as well as how good governance is carried out there.

On another occasion, the Governor of Papua’s Daily Acting (Plh), Muhammad Ridwan Ruusukun really wanted to realize his strong commitment to being able to continue to assist and encourage the acceleration of development in the New Autonomous Region. This commitment is also marked by the uniform use of the Program Information System (BANGGA Papua) and other Shared Application Systems to the Southwest Papua Provincial Government.

The purpose of doing this is to continue to improve the quality and effectiveness of the entire Old Age Protection program (PAITUA), which is indeed a social protection program as well as the Implementation of an Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE).

In order to supervise the entire process of accelerating the development of the New Autonomous Region in Papua so that it can occur and be carried out optimally and maximally, the government has struggled very hard to use all kinds of resources and efforts accompanied by a strong commitment. One concrete manifestation of how strong this commitment is is the formation of a working committee (Panja) to be able to oversee and ensure that all development of the Papua New Guinea can be maximized.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bali

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