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The Importance of Society Rejecting Abstentions for the sake of Upholding the Principles of Democracy


By: Ahmad Dzul Ilmi Muis )*

It is very important for the community to be able to jointly reject and avoid the white group movement ( abstentions ) and not use their voting rights to the fullest. All of these things are actually intended for upholding the principles of democracy in Indonesia.

The holding of a general election democratic party (Pemilu) will indeed be held soon, namely in 2024. Of course, one of the objectives of holding elections which are held every 5 (five) years in Indonesia is to be able to produce a change of leadership in order to continue to realize and also further enlighten the nation’s civilization.

With a number of problems that may still exist in the country, it is hoped that the implementation of the 2024 elections will be able to produce leaders who have a series of strategic steps to continue to encourage the progress of society in Indonesia.

It means that this event is very important to be able to do it and it is also very important that all people in the country can jointly contribute to the success of this. So, people should not carry out the white group movement ( abstentions ) or even not use their voting rights and instead do not vote in elections.

Therefore, socialization is also very important for all Indonesian people because with the intensification of socialization , it is hoped that the public’s understanding of politics will become much more wide open, which in fact, with the momentum of this democratic party, it is able to uphold the principles of democratization in the country.

In this regard , the Chairperson of the Yogyakarta City PDA Msyda Committee , Sri Istifada , explained that in this case, the role of women who are also mothers in the family and household cannot be underestimated. How could it not be, because the mother has a very strategic role because in fact everything starts from the smallest scope, namely the family.

For this reason, women are also encouraged to continue to participate actively in efforts to create a peaceful 2024 general election, starting with the family. By intensifying the push so that elections can be held in full peace , as well as with the active participation of the people in using their voting rights, they will be able to create a good , trustworthy leader and also be able to bring good things to the future of this nation.

Many parties actually really want the new leaders, namely those who won the political contest in 2024, to be even more active and enthusiastic for the future of the nation. Including the most important thing is that the leader can bring benefits to the people and society.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Chairperson of the Yogyakarta City PDM Tarjih and Tabligh Division , Aris Madani explained that with the maximum use of voting rights carried out by all elements of society, it will also be able to produce a decision that is beneficial by electing a rock leader who is trustworthy and will be able to continue to translate community mandate as well.

Precisely when people do not use their voting rights and instead vote for Abstentions , it means that they are irresponsible citizens and can be said to be very ignorant of the future fate of their own people.

Do not let any people carry out the white group movement or not vote at all in the upcoming 2024 general election. People should be able to exercise their right to vote according to what their hearts choose.

Regarding this, the Head of the Pekanbaru City National Unity and Politics Agency ( Kesbangpol ) , Syoffaizal said that citizens should still have and determine their attitude even if for example the choice they want does not win in an election contest .

In a contest, surely there will be winners and losers, so this should be able to be addressed with maturity. The reason is, it is very important for the people to participate in elections because the true implementation of a democratic party is aimed at being able to elect representatives of the people.

The government itself has also outlined that all elements of the nation must take part in giving their substitution rights to people’s representatives in order to manage the region and the country in the future. So that the aspirations of the residents themselves can certainly be channeled if they use their voting rights and reject Abstentions .

In order to continue to uphold the principles of democracy that apply in Indonesia, including continuing to improve the quality of democratization in this country , it is very important that people are able to reject and avoid invitations to the golput movement while continuing to vote in accordance with their respective consciences.

)* The author is an alumnus of FISIP Unair

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