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The Importance of Sustainable Development in the 44th AIPA Session


By: Fathya Meidiana )*

The DPR RI emphasizes the importance of sustainable development throughout the ASEAN region. This makes the momentum of the 44th AIPA Session held in Jakarta as an effort to make the growth of all countries in Southeast Asia evenly and equally without any imbalances between one another.

Chairperson of the Regional Cooperation Desk of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (BKSAP DPR RI), Putu Supadma Rudana explained that the implementation of the 44th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPA) Assembly which will be held in Jakarta in August 2023 I’m going to cover some really important stuff in the future.

Several important things that will be discussed in the agenda for implementing the 44th AIPA General Assembly regarding the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are so that countries in the Southeast Asian region are able to become the epicenter of growth and sustainable development goals or what is commonly called with sustainable development goals (SDGs).

During the implementation of the meeting, issues of welfare, society to the planet will also be discussed, as was initiated, namely the discussion around prosperity, people, and planet . Unlike the case with the ASEAN Summit (Summit) some time ago in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) with a focus on the economic epicenter, this time the focus of the discussion will be much more complex.

Because the focus of the discussion in the implementation of the 44th AIPA General Assembly is very broad, namely that it concerns welfare, society and the environment, it cannot be underestimated how important the role and vision of parliament are. The size of the role is to be able to continue to encourage the government to continue to make every effort, not only regarding business issues, but also to be able to see a problem with many out of the box perspectives so that it will give birth to a policy or proposed provisions that go beyond the concept in general.

The implementation of the 44th General Assembly of AIPA which was held in Jakarta was of course also able to become a very important golden momentum for Indonesia, especially as the lungs of the world, namely as a country that is very focused on environmental concerns. This includes this nation as chairman and host of the implementation of the agenda for the inter-parliamentary forum in ASEAN, which will challenge the commitment of developed countries to funding to address climate change.

For information, at the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) of the UNFCCC which was held in Denmark in 2009, all developed countries in the world had a commitment to collectively aim to be able to mobilize up to 100 billion United States dollars (US) ) annually starting in 2020 to be able to realize action on solving climate issues in developing countries, namely by carrying out climate change mitigation actions and transparency of their implementation.

With efforts to increase welfare for countries in ASEAN, of course the implementation of the 44th AIPA General Assembly itself must be accompanied by the implementation of the concept of a green economy ( green economy ). In addition, it must also be able to ascertain how the entire ASEAN region is ready for a green transition and its people are able to get support in an inclusive manner in improving their economy.

All of these things indeed become a series that is very important to be able to do and strive for because economic activities really should be able to be carried out in a sustainable manner. Accurate planning will be able to prevent inequality between countries in ASEAN, for example, only one country has high growth while the other has low growth.

For this reason, the most important thing is that there is affirmation and escort or maintenance of the implementation of a sustainable green economy, both within one country and within one region in ASEAN. All of them really should be able to continue to be guarded jointly by involving all members in Southeast Asia.

The Chairperson of the Indonesian Parliament, Puan Maharani said that there were very important messages from AIPA, starting from how to deal with issues of peace to a sustainable green economy. As leader of the parliament in Indonesia and also chairman of the implementation of the international forum, he stressed that he would work together to maintain peace, stability and prosperity in the region.

With very strong efforts and commitment to continue to carry out sustainable development, especially in all countries in the ASEAN region so that there is no inequality in the country’s growth, it is very important for all parties to continue to do this. The implementation of the 44th AIPA General Assembly became a golden momentum for Indonesia as the host to fulfill promises from other developed countries in the world in realizing this.

)* The author is a contributor to Jeka Media Institute

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