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The Importance of the Role of Mass Organizations in Monitoring the Success of the 2024 Regional Elections


By: Gema Iva Kirana)*

The participation of community organizations (ormas) in the 2024 Pilkada is one of the important pillars in maintaining the integrity and honesty of democracy in Indonesia. Without their presence, supervision of various stages of the election could be less than optimal, opening up opportunities for practices that damage democracy, such as money politics, the spread of hoaxes, and SARA issues.

Seeing this, it is time for us as the wider community, especially mass organizations, to take an active role in overseeing the implementation of the Pilkada. Not only as passive observers, but really getting involved directly in maintaining the fairness of the election.

A real example can be seen from the invitation of the Acting Mayor of Tangerang, Dr. Nurdin, to the Pemuda Pancasila (PP) mass organization. He asked PP to provide political education to the community and maintain unity during the Pilkada. This confirms that mass organizations, with all their influence in society, can be a fortress that prevents various forms of provocation that can divide during the Pilkada period.

Dr. Nurdin firmly stated his hope that PP would be able to invite the community to carry out the Pilkada in an orderly and peaceful manner. This statement shows how important collaboration between the government and mass organizations is in maintaining a conducive atmosphere.

Moreover, Dr. Nurdin also reminded that Pemuda Pancasila, as a mature and established organization, has a big responsibility to maintain the stability of democracy. With an age that has reached 65 years, PP is expected to be able to be a driving force for the creation of a peaceful, orderly, and integrity-based Pilkada in Tangerang City.

This is a real example of how a mature mass organization that has great influence in society can play a role in overseeing the democratic process.

Not only in Tangerang, the role of mass organizations is also in the spotlight in other areas such as Banggai Regency. The Banggai Regency Government emphasized the importance of the role of mass organizations in maintaining stability and conduciveness during the Pilkada.

In the socialization activity of empowering mass organizations, the Assistant for Government and Public Welfare of Banggai Regency, Nurdjalal, emphasized that mass organizations play an important role as pillars in maintaining regional security, especially in dealing with potential conflicts that may arise ahead of the regional elections.

What Nurdjalal said is a picture of how important collaboration between mass organizations and local governments is in maintaining a safe atmosphere during the Pilkada. Mass organizations are expected not only to be the guardians of the democratic process, but also to be a communication link between the community and the government.

They have a strategic role in conveying the aspirations of the community as well as providing good political education so that the community is not easily provoked by issues that can trigger conflict.

Mass organizations in Banggai Regency are also expected to anticipate potential social disturbances that may arise, such as the politicization of religious and ethnic issues, as well as the rampant spread of hoax news that can worsen the situation. In this case, synergy between the local government and mass organizations is the key to the success of a safe and peaceful Pilkada.

Not much different from what happened in Banggai Regency, in West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, the local government also invited all mass organizations to participate in making the 2024 Pilkada a success.

In a coordination meeting with a number of mass organizations in the region, the Acting Regent of West Bangka, Hendriwan, emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government and mass organizations in maintaining security during the Pilkada process.

The meeting, attended by various mass organizations, such as the Interfaith Harmony Forum (FKUB), Muhammadiyah, the Indonesian Islamic Propagation Institute (LDII), and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), showed how important the role of mass organizations is in maintaining the stability of democracy in the regions. The presence of these mass organizations is expected to help create a safe and peaceful atmosphere during the Pilkada, as well as being an enforcer of democratic and legal values.

On that occasion, Hendriwan said that the success of the Pilkada could not be achieved without collaboration. Mass organizations are considered strategic partners of the government in maintaining regional conduciveness. Through this synergy, it is hoped that a harmonious relationship will be created between the government and the community, which will ultimately support the creation of a peaceful and quality Pilkada.

In addition, mass organizations are also asked to play a role in educating the public. Socialization regarding the importance of maintaining unity, as well as an invitation not to be involved in actions that can trigger conflict, are part of the duties of mass organizations during the Pilkada.

This is an important step to prevent various security disturbances that may arise, while ensuring that the regional elections run smoothly.

The 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections will be a test of the maturity of democracy in Indonesia. The challenges faced will not only come from regional head candidates and political parties, but also from the social dynamics that are developing in society.

For that reason, the role of mass organizations in overseeing the Pilkada is very crucial. They are not just observers, but also active actors who can maintain stability and harmony during the democratic process.

Strong collaboration between the government and mass organizations must continue to be strengthened. Political education, conflict prevention, and maintaining regional stability are some of the important roles that must be carried out by mass organizations.

As an organization that is close to the community, mass organizations have the power to dampen various potential disturbances, while ensuring that the community can exercise their political rights properly and peacefully. Let us together keep our democracy healthy and of high quality.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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