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The price of medium rice has fallen, the needs of all people can be met


The price of medium quality rice has decreased, the needs of all elements of society regarding food stocks can be guaranteed by the Indonesian Government that everything is completely fulfilled so there is no need to worry.

The National Food Agency (Bapanas) noted that the average price of medium rice has now decreased since October 10, 2023. It is reported that now the average national rice price is 13,216 Rupiah per kilogram. Regarding this matter, the Head of Bapanas, Arief Prasetyo Adi, explained that the decline in the price of medium rice was in line with the demand and demand for rice in the market starting to be fulfilled.

One example of the fulfillment of all rice stocks is at the Cipinang Rice Main Market (PIBC) Jakarta, which is now gradually becoming sufficient. By fulfilling demand in the market, it also means that the needs of the community have been met, so that the price of rice is controlled.

Therefore, Bapanas itself continues to encourage the fulfillment of rice supplies to all markets in the country in line with the importance of being able to continue to be aware of fluctuations in rice prices on the market. Now slowly the rice stock at PIBC Jakarta itself has returned to normal.

For information, rice stocks at PIBC as of October 10 2023 reached 29,161 tons. Figures continue to show an increase of up to 10.7 percent compared to the previous month which only reached 26,340 tons.

Meanwhile, the average price of rice as of October 10 2023 itself has become 12,833 Rupiah per kg, decreasing by 2.9 percent from September 2023 which was still at 13,222 Rupiah per kg.

The price decline also occurred quite significantly, even for IR64 rice, which could fall by as much as 11 percent to 11,200 Rupiah per kilogram, and it is estimated that the price will decline again as the stock of medium rice enters PBIC Jakarta.

Apart from efforts to continue to ensure guaranteed rice supplies from the Food Price Supply Stability (SPHP) program by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) to various markets in the country, another strategic step that the government continues to take is to distribute commercial rice belonging to Public Companies. Logistics Affairs Agency (Perum Bulog) to the morning grinder.

Because by disbursing rice supply assistance from Perum Bulog to rice millers, it will clearly be able to speed up the distribution of rice and also further encourage the fulfillment of rice needs in the community and also on the market.

The Indonesian government has also provided rice food aid for as many as 21.353 million low-income people to maintain people’s purchasing power and in the end will also be able to reduce the recent increase in rice prices.

It is known that as of October 9 2023, the realization of the program to distribute food aid in the form of rice in the second phase for September 2023 had reached up to 200 thousand tons or around 99.62 percent had been distributed to underprivileged communities throughout Indonesia.

To continue to be able to maintain the stock of the Government Rice Reserve (CBP), the Indonesian Government also plans to increase the amount of rice imports, even up to 1.5 million tons. The increase in imports is indeed in order to be able to anticipate the possibility of a decline in production due to the impact of El Nino.

Not only that, but the importation carried out by the Indonesian Government also further ensures the security of the government’s rice reserve stock, which currently continues to be dynamic in its distribution in intervening in the stability of rice on the market so that the price remains stable.

Then on October 11 2023, the government’s rice reserves in Bulog itself had reached 1.6 million tons. Meanwhile, SPHP rice distribution has reached up to 821 thousand tons. So with the addition of rice imports for CBP, it is estimated that there will be enough until the end of 2023.

Indeed, various efforts have been continuously made by the Indonesian Government to be able to maintain the stability of the supply and price of rice. Everything has been done optimally and optimally. Regarding stock fulfillment, CBP itself together with Bulog will continue to safeguard the stability of national rice until next year as directed by President Joko Widodo. Therefore, now the price of medium quality rice has begun to decline and the needs of all people have also been met.

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