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The Strategic Role of Religious Figures in Realizing Peaceful Regional Elections


By: Silvia AP )*

Regional Head Election (Pilkada) is an important process in democracy in Indonesia. This moment is an opportunity for the community to elect local leaders who will determine the direction of regional policy in the next few years. In this context, religious figures have a very significant strategic role in realizing peaceful and harmonious regional elections.  

As spiritual and moral leaders, religious figures have great influence on their followers. They are respected and considered wise role models. Therefore, the role of religious figures in regional elections is very important to maintain stability and peace in a diverse society.

Religious figures have an important role in providing political education to the community. In many regions, there are still many citizens who do not understand the democratic process and the importance of participation in regional elections. Religious figures can convey these messages through lectures, sermons, and other religious activities. In this way, the public will be more educated and motivated to be involved in the democratic process in a positive and constructive way.

Apart from that, religious figures can play a role in spreading messages of peace and tolerance. In the context of regional elections, polarization and conflict often occur between supporters of different candidates. Religious figures can utilize their moral authority to call for the importance of maintaining peace and respecting differences. While reminding his people about religious teachings which emphasize the importance of peace, compassion and brotherhood.

Furthermore, religious figures can be effective mediators in conflicts that may arise during the regional elections. When tensions or even clashes occur between groups supporting different candidates, religious figures act as neutral mediators by inviting the conflicting parties to sit together, dialogue and find a peaceful solution.

Religious figures also have an important role in maintaining integrity and honesty during the Pilkada process, for example reminding candidates and their supporters to run campaigns in a clean and honest manner, without committing fraud or spreading false news. By emphasizing the values ​​of honesty and integrity, religious figures help create a healthy and ethical political culture.

Not only that, religious figures are role models in showing a wise and wise attitude in accepting the results of the regional elections. Often, dissatisfaction with election results can lead to protests and riots. In this situation, religious leaders invite the public to accept the results of the regional elections with grace and continue to maintain peace.

Religious and cultural diversity is often a source of wealth as well as a challenge in maintaining harmony. Religious leaders from various backgrounds should work together and build interfaith dialogue to create better understanding and reduce the potential for conflict. For example, through interreligious dialogue forums, religious leaders can exchange views and find common ground that can strengthen peace and tolerance in society.

The Riau Provincial Government (Pemprov Riau) held an audience with the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB). Assistant I to the Riau Provincial Regional Secretary (Setprov), Zulkifli Syukur, said that the existence of the FKUB is very important in creating a conducive atmosphere during the campaign and election period. According to him, this organization has a strategic role in maintaining harmony between religious communities, as well as making the regional elections peaceful, safe and with minimal problems.

It was explained that the synergy between the Riau Provincial Government and the Riau FKUB could have a positive impact on the 2024 regional elections in the Lancang kuning land so that they run smoothly. That way, this region will produce leaders who will bring progress to Riau and maintain harmony in religious society. It is hoped that FKUB Riau can commit to actively participating in various activities that support the peace of the regional elections. Furthermore, this organization can continue to innovate in creating activities that support harmony.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Riau Province FKUB, KH Abd. Rahman Qoharuddin emphasized that his party would carry out outreach and programs according to the vision and mission of religious harmony. Moreover, for real efforts in creating a safe and harmonious environment during the Pilkada process.

According to Abd. Rahman, religious figures as representatives of religious communities in Riau province through these figures will take a positive role, an active role to create conditions that are conducive to safe, peaceful and comfortable, especially in the simultaneous regional elections in November, so that the regional elections can be created safely and peacefully. nothing happens that we don’t want.

To achieve all these strategic roles, good cooperation is needed between religious leaders, government and various elements of society. The government needs to support the initiatives and role of religious leaders by providing adequate space and facilities for activities that support peace and tolerance. On the other hand, the public also needs to express appreciation and support for the efforts of religious figures in realizing peaceful regional elections. This collective awareness is very important to create a conducive environment for holding regional elections in a peaceful and dignified manner.

)* The author is from the editorial team of the Student Press Institute (LPM) Ideas

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