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The Young Generation of Papua is Increasingly Empowered in the Papua Youth Creative Hub


By: Ahmad Dante )*

The Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building in Papua which was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo is a historical marker of the stronghold of the Papuan youth movement pursuing a much brighter, more advanced and prosperous future for Cenderawasih Earth.

The young generation of Papua needs to keep trying to get up and show their potential and creativity. So the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) is rightly here to unite Papuan youth in incubating and executing brilliant ideas in developing their existing potential. 

Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) is one of the forums that helps the young generation of Papua to develop capabilities and creativity. As a non-profit organization, PYCH aims to help drive creative economic growth in Papua, with a focus on developing creative industries and entrepreneurship. 

PYCH also provides training and support for young Papuans to improve their skills in art, music, film, dance, photography and graphic design, as well as assisting them to start their own businesses. This young generation of Papua has also produced creative works that inspire and demonstrate the uniqueness and diversity of Papuan culture.

Not only that, the communities that are members of it have also organized various arts and cultural events and festivals, which promote the richness of Papuan culture to local and international communities. 

The Coordinator of the Indonesian Millennial and Student Alliance (AMMI), Nurkhasanah, had previously welcomed the presence of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) to become a special arena for creativity for the younger generation in Cendrawasih Earth.

The PYCH building which has been built solidly, magnificently and beautifully has a number of facilities that are expected to accommodate the creativity of young Papuans so that it has implications for efforts to accelerate progress in Papua. 

PYCH which is located on Jalan Poros Abepura is about 11 km from the center of Jayapura City. PYCH is built on an area of ​​15,000 m2, and has a main building area of ​​3,520 m2 and 1,812 m2 of supporting buildings. The groundbreaking was carried out by President Jokowi in 2021. The architectural design of the roof of the building was designed by taking inspiration from the traditional houses of the people of Jayapura and Wamena City, namely the Honai and Kawiwari roofs.

The PYCH building is an initiative of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and is fully supported by President Joko Widodo. 

The PYCH building is equipped with a  co-working space , exhibition space, theater space for arts and culture development, research space, culinary  space  and health. This spectacular building in Eastern Indonesia is also equipped with a dormitory  or dormitory  building  as well as a parking area with a capacity of 53 cars, 154 motorbikes, and landscaping.

The Head of BIN, Police General (P) Budi Gunawan, the initiator of the PYCH Building, was enthusiastically welcomed by youths/girls because they have proven capable of realizing the dreams of the young generation of Papua to continue to develop their talents. 

It is hoped that the young generation of Papua with the existence of the PYCH Building initiated by BIN will continue to realize its noble mission as a movement to empower young people in Papua in developing their own and community potential, and fighting for their rights. In the future, the young generation of Papua will definitely be able to realize their dreams in terms of education, health, environment and the Papuan economy.

In the future, the form of an empowered young Papuan generation will become real because as agents of change, the existence of the PYCH Building hopefully continues to inspire, motivate young Papuans to take an active role in building their own future and that of the Papuan people in general. 

The Papua Youth Creative Hub has an important role in strengthening the role of young Papuans as agents of change and building a better Papuan society. This creative space provides hope and inspiration for the young generation of Papua to take an active role in shaping their own future and that of the Papuan people in general. 

*) The author is an MSME activist and social worker.

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