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Unity of Community Elements After the 2024 Election to Make Eid Al-Fitr Conducive


A conducive Eid al-Fitr atmosphere is the hope of the entire community. There are no incidents that can disturb a comfortable, safe and conducive atmosphere. The role of various elements of society is needed in creating a conducive atmosphere in society. However, the general election which was held some time ago was considered to have caused upheaval and differences in choices which resulted in the warming of the friendship that had existed as a community between religious communities.
Chairman of the West Kalimantan Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), Prof. Dr. Ibrahim said that religious figures act as coolants between religious communities, let political issues occur but do not divide existing unity in order to avoid undesirable things in the future.
Meanwhile, Ngurah Rai University Social and Political Observer, Dr. I Gede Wirata also said that efforts to maintain a peaceful atmosphere need to be made, considering that during the 2024 General Election, there was more or less friction due to differences in choices or opinions. Therefore, society must continue to foster harmony and maintain a peaceful situation. One of them is wisely sorting and selecting information.
An academic at the Muhammadiyah University of Gorontalo, Salahudin Pakaya, also asked the public to maintain conduciveness after determining the results of the 2024 simultaneous elections. The election dispute is currently in progress, and citizens are expected to entrust it to the Constitutional Court (MK).
The Indonesian people showed their political maturity by accepting the results of the 2024 elections with grace. Differences in political choices are not a reason for division, but are a healthy dynamic of democracy. The spirit of national unity and integrity trumps ego and group interests.
This relaxed attitude of the community is the key to creating peace and conduciveness at the moment of Eid al-Fitr 1446 Hijriah. This year’s Eid is a special moment to strengthen ties of brotherhood and friendship, as well as to restore social harmony after political contestation.
The celebration of Eid al-Fitr, which is only a few days away, has become a momentum for security forces and elements of society to educate the wider community in maintaining unity after the election which was marked by polemics towards conduciveness in celebrating Eid al-Fitr 1445 H.
Head of the National Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Pol. Sandi Nugroho said that residents should maintain order during the activities, create a cool atmosphere in the community after the 2024 elections, respond to the election results wisely and peacefully, maintain harmony with each other and not be influenced by hoaxes on social media or political issues that could cause disturbances in social security and social order or community upheaval. .
Previously, the Salatiga Police Chief, AKBP Aryuni Novitasari, said that all levels of society should respond to the election results peacefully and play an active role in maintaining harmony, both between citizens and harmony between religious communities as well as maintaining the sanctity of the month of Ramadan by not setting off firecrackers or using non-standard exhausts.
This year’s Eid is proof that Indonesian people are able to maintain national unity and unity even amidst differences in political choices. The spirit of brotherhood and tolerance is the main force in creating peace and happiness at the moment of Eid al-Fitr.
The Regent of Boyolali, Central Java, M Said Hidayat emphasized the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) to maintain a conducive situation in various fields in order to welcome Idul Fitri 1445 Hijriah or Eid 2024. He said that the most important thing was to maintain conduciveness, a sense of security, comfort for the people of Boyolali, and our brothers and sisters who will be returning home are greeted with joy and a sense of kinship that must be maintained.
Acting Regent of Subang, Dr. Drs. Imran said that he was expected to maintain security and order so that it was conducive ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1445H, especially in places of worship and convoys on takbiran night so that there would be no friction that could trigger conflict and traffic accidents, so that people would feel safe and comfortable. Monitor alternative routes and check the readiness of toll management for the Eid homecoming flow. Housing complexes are educated and given circulars regarding checking electricity, gas at home and ensuring that the doors of the house are securely locked, so that homecoming is calm and smooth.
The 2024 elections are over, and now is the time for the Indonesian people to unite again. Differences in political preferences should not be a reason for division. National unity and unity is the main key to realizing conduciveness to Eid al-Fitr 1446 Hijriah.
Legal action through the constitutional route is the right step so that of course party cadres will obey the party’s orders in maintaining and guarding the constitution.

Elements of society, including the government, political parties, religious leaders and civil society, must work together to maintain peace and security. The government needs to take concrete steps to ease tensions and rebuild public trust.
Political parties must show a mature attitude by accepting the election results and not inciting provocation. Religious figures must act as mediators and coolers in society. Civil society must continue to maintain tolerance and respect each other’s differences.
Eid al-Fitr is the right moment to strengthen ties of brotherhood and national unity. Let us use this as a moment to forgive each other and forget our differences. Together, we create an Eid atmosphere that is safe, peaceful and full of happiness.

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