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Various Figures Support the Expansion of the Papua Region


The policy of expanding the region into six provinces is a serious commitment of the government under President Jokowi to advance Papua. Regional expansion or DOB (New Autonomous Region) in the form of new districts is expected to reduce administration, improve health services and educational facilities. Of course, this policy was strongly supported by intellectual figures. With the presence of this DOB, the community will become more advanced. If there is a new district, there will be additional APBD funds so that it can increase the budget for development in Papua, the impact being that its citizens will become more prosperous.

Currently, Papua has 4 New Autonomous Regions (DOB), namely Central Papua Province, Central Mountain Papua, Southwest Papua and South Papua. The community really supports the formation of this new autonomous region because it provides many benefits for the residents of Bumi Cendrawasih. DOB will be useful for equitable development because the government’s span of control is getting smaller and APBD funds from the center continue to increase.

Initially Papua had 2 provinces, namely Papua and West Papua. However, the community wants the addition of new provinces because for an area as large as Papua, there are too few if there are 2 provinces. In 2019, as many as 61 representatives of indigenous Papuans finally had an audience with President Jokowi. Then their wish was granted in 2022 and the government added 4 new autonomous regions in Bumi Cendrawasih.

The addition of provinces in Papua was the people’s request and was granted by the government in 2022. The government considers that Papua really needs a new province to facilitate public services and promote people’s welfare. After that, the community asked for a new DOB in the form of a district, so that development there would be even more massive.

Commission II DPR RI, Agustinus Wilujeng Pramestuti said that the existence of DOB is very helpful for all conveniences in services to the community. As a young figure in Mare, he fully supports DOB Maybrat Sau and Mare. He appealed to traditional leaders, women’s leaders and religious leaders to unite to support the new new autonomous region for positive change. The grassroots community in Mare fully supports DOB Mare. This will have an impact and help the community in the span of control and development services in Mare.

The addition of new districts also has a positive effect on society, not only the addition of new provinces. The reason is because when there is a new district, the distance between the regent’s office and the community becomes closer, so that the aspirations of the people can be absorbed more optimally.

The Regent of Mimika Regency, Altinus Omaleng, said that with the DOB there would be more positions for governors, regents/mayors, members of the DPR, DPD and also DPRD. This means that there will be far more local Papuan politicians accommodated in seats of power. Thus, the mission of special autonomy (otsus) is for the welfare of the people to be achieved slowly. Appreciation is given to the government, especially President Jokowi, because he really wants the Papuan people to prosper thanks to regional expansion.

Meanwhile, PDIP politician Junimart Girsang said that the addition of new autonomous regions was a mandate from Law number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua. Regional expansion may be carried out by paying attention to a number of things.

Regional expansion will boost economic progress because it can trigger a positive domino effect. If there are new provinces, the infrastructure will also be added and the most intensively built ones are roads. Apart from that, the infrastructure that is most needed is electricity.

There are still a handful of villages in Papua that do not have electricity. Not because there is no touch from PLN, but people outside Papua need to know that the geographical conditions there are very different from those in Java. When there are hilly and mountainous areas, or at the end of the coast, of course it is quite difficult to distribute electricity.

Therefore, if there is expansion of new regions and districts, there will be additional APBD funds for the new DOB. Part of these funds can be turned into an electricity procurement project, so that the entire Papua region can enjoy it. The government wants there to be a principle of justice so that all Papuan people are obliged to enjoy facilities in the form of adequate electricity.

The availability of electricity will trigger an increase in the community’s economy because they will no longer depend on generators. If there is an electricity supply, people will be enthusiastic about producing processed agricultural products (for example sago) which are processed using electronic equipment. In this way, economic activity will become more lively and the financial wheels will turn quickly.

When the wheels of the economy turn, people will become more prosperous. Electricity also supports online selling activities because people can have smartphones and have operator signals. They can earn more income by mastering digital marketing. The effect of regional expansion is tremendous which can trigger an increase in the people’s economy.

The effect on people’s welfare thanks to the rapidly increasing economy after regional expansion also occurred in the education sector. When Papuans have a better standard of living, they are happy to send their children to high school, even to college. The costs are also independent and do not depend on scholarships.

Meanwhile, human rights activist Fransina Yoteni highlighted the problem of education which is still very underdeveloped in Papua. There are only two cities with good education levels, namely Sorong and Jayapura. Therefore, it is hoped that the existence of this DOB will improve the quality and quality of education in all corners of Papua.

The addition of 4 new autonomous regions in Papua is very useful for equitable development. The reason is because the distance between the provincial government offices and the people will be closer and the governor understands the needs of his citizens. Apart from that, development in the 6 new autonomous regions of Papua will be even more massive. Both in the form of infrastructure in the fields of communication, transportation, health, education and other supporting facilities.

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