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Youth Participation is the Key to Successful Regional Elections


By: Andi Ramli
The involvement of youth in the simultaneous regional head elections (Pilkada) of 2024 is not just an option, but a necessity. In the midst of globalization and the rapid advancement of technology, the youth become the main pillar in creating a healthy, transparent democracy free from all forms of fraud.
The role or participation of youth is not only as voters but also as agents of change who are capable of overseeing the democratic process at the local level. In facing the 2024 regional elections, various organizations at both the local and national levels have taken strategic steps by involving youth as the spearhead of participation.
Through various socializations and national dialogues, it is hoped that the youth will not only have a deep understanding of the democratic process but also be able to contribute to maintaining political stability and security in their respective regions. Considering the importance of this matter, all elements of society, especially the younger generation, are urged to actively participate in ensuring the success of the 2024 regional elections.
The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Sorong City took the initiative by involving youth and student organizations in participatory socialization. Through this activity, young people are invited to participate in monitoring the electoral process, ensuring that each stage proceeds according to the established regulations. This event serves as a platform for various groups, ranging from students, religious leaders, to academics, to collectively understand the importance of participatory oversight.
The Coordinator of the Legal Division, Prevention, Community Participation, and Public Relations of the Sorong City Election Supervisory Body, Abdul Kadir Kelosan, emphasized that community involvement, especially among the youth, is crucial in ensuring a fair and honest local election. This supervision is expected to prevent any undesirable occurrences during the regional election process. With a good understanding of the stages of the regional elections, young people can play an active role in minimizing the potential for fraud, from vote-buying to the spread of hoaxes.
One of the participants in the socialization, Harun, admitted that this activity provided many new insights regarding the roles that young people can take in the regional elections. According to him, with a better understanding of the limitations and regulations in the regional elections, he and his colleagues are now more prepared to actively participate in overseeing the electoral process in Sorong City. This is a concrete step that deserves appreciation, considering the role of youth in oversight will greatly determine the quality of democracy in that region.
In addition to Sorong City, the Interfaith Harmony Forum (FKUB) in Kediri City, East Java, also emphasizes the importance of the role of youth in creating a peaceful atmosphere during the regional elections. Through the national dialogue organized by FKUB, young people are invited to become agents of change who can maintain harmony and tolerance amidst the existing differences.
The Chairman of the FKUB of Kediri City, K.H. Moch. Salim, stated that the youth are the future leaders who must uphold democracy and the interests of the people.
This national dialogue emphasizes the importance of synergy among various parties, including the government, community organizations, and youth, to ensure that the 2024 regional elections proceed smoothly without disruptions. Kediri City, which has long been known for its peaceful and harmonious atmosphere, is hoped to maintain its condition amidst the often heated political dynamics leading up to the regional elections.

Ahmad Zainudin, Kepala Bagian Kesejahteraan Rakyat Pemerintah Kota Kediri, juga mengingatkan pemuda untuk cerdas dalam menyaring informasi, terutama yang beredar di media sosial. Menurutnya, intoleransi dan hoaks adalah ancaman nyata yang bisa merusak kerukunan di masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, ia mengajak pemuda untuk bijak dalam menggunakan teknologi dan tidak mudah terprovokasi oleh isu-isu yang tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
Di wilayah Dumai, peran pemuda dalam menyukseskan Pilkada juga tidak kalah penting. Satuan Polisi Perairan dan Udara (Satpolairud) Polres Dumai menggandeng tokoh masyarakat dan pemuda setempat untuk menjaga situasi kondusif menjelang Pilkada serentak 2024.
Kegiatan yang dipimpin oleh Kanit Gakkum Satpolairud Polres Dumai, Ipda H. Pasaribu, ini menekankan pentingnya peran masyarakat pesisir dalam menjaga keamanan wilayah mereka selama tahapan Pilkada berlangsung.
Pasaribu mengingatkan bahwa persatuan dan kesatuan adalah kunci utama dalam menjaga stabilitas di daerah pesisir. Pemuda, yang memiliki akses luas terhadap informasi dan teknologi, diharapkan bisa menjadi garda terdepan dalam menangkal berita bohong atau hoaks yang berpotensi memecah belah masyarakat. Selain itu, menolak segala bentuk politik uang, yang hanya akan merusak kualitas demokrasi dan mengancam masa depan daerah.
Ajakan untuk tidak golput juga menjadi salah satu pesan penting yang disampaikan dalam kegiatan tersebut. Partisipasi aktif dalam Pilkada 2024 diharapkan bisa membawa perubahan positif bagi Kota Dumai. Dengan menggunakan hak pilih secara bijak, masyarakat Dumai diharapkan dapat memilih pemimpin yang amanah dan mampu membawa kemajuan bagi daerah mereka.
Menghadapi Pilkada 2024, partisipasi pemuda menjadi salah satu elemen krusial yang tidak bisa diabaikan. Melalui berbagai kegiatan sosialisasi dan dialog kebangsaan, diharapkan pemuda dapat berperan aktif dalam menjaga kualitas demokrasi di daerah masing-masing. Tantangan yang dihadapi tentu tidaklah mudah, mulai dari ancaman hoaks, politik uang, hingga intoleransi yang bisa merusak kerukunan di masyarakat.
Namun, dengan pemahaman yang baik tentang peran mereka dalam proses demokrasi, pemuda diharapkan mampu menjadi agen perubahan yang membawa dampak positif bagi masa depan bangsa. Oleh karena itu, mari bersama-sama kita sukseskan Pilkada 2024 dengan penuh kesadaran dan tanggung jawab, agar demokrasi di Indonesia semakin kuat dan berintegritas.

)* Analis Politik Nasional – Forum Kajian Demokrasi Indonesia

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