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The AMANAH Program Realizes President Jokowi’s Commitment to Facilitate Young People in Creating in the Creative Industry.


ACEH – The Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Hebat (AMANAH) program, managed by the National Intelligence Agency (BIN), continues to demonstrate the government’s commitment to supporting the development of the creative industry among young people. This program operating in Aceh is one of President Joko Widodo’s concrete efforts to accommodate the creativity of the younger generation, particularly in the fields of broadcasting and creative content production.

One of the latest activities from the AMANAH program is a podcast production training held at the AMANAH Building, Aceh Industrial Area (KIA), Aceh Besar Regency. This activity involves young people from various regions in Aceh, with the aim of introducing them to broadcasting techniques and digital content production. The facilities used in this training include a professional podcast studio equipped with advanced equipment.

Thamlicha, one of the training participants, expressed being very impressed with the facilities available at the AMANAH Building. “Today we learned about OBS (open broadcaster software), camera setup, lighting, and switching techniques. The podcast studio here is very professional, and the facilities are adequate for us to learn more,” Thamlicha said on Monday, September 16, 2024.

Thamlicha also explained that the podcast studio in the AMANAH Building is divided into two rooms, namely the shooting room and the operator room. “The shooting room in the front is equipped with aesthetic decorations and very good lighting, while in the operator room, all broadcasting and recording technicalities are managed.” “This really helps us in learning to create podcasts professionally,” he added.

In addition to podcast training, the AMANAH program also provides various other facilities such as a music studio, photography studio, and digital library. This facility is designed to support the development of human resources in Aceh, particularly in the creative industry. Training in the field of music is also one of the main focuses, with sound engineering techniques and music production training taking place at the AMANAH building’s music studio.

Ridho Brilian Laksamana, a participant in the sound engineering training, expressed his gratitude for being able to attend this training. “We are learning about the basics of audio production, operating digital mixers, and using Digital Audio Workstations.” (DAW). “This is the first time I am using high-tech equipment like this, and I am very impressed with the facilities at the AMANAH music studio,” he said.

With programs like AMANAH, the government hopes to continue supporting the youth of Aceh in their endeavors and in developing their creativity, as well as creating broader opportunities in the creative industry. President Jokowi’s commitment through this program is not just about providing facilities, but also ensuring that the younger generation in Aceh has access to quality training and the latest technology.

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