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The People Must Support the Results of the 2019 Election, Leaders must be Ready to Win Losses for Unity and the Success of Indonesian Development Sustainability


Author: Adil Warmadewa (Gajahmada University Jogjakarta Student)

Based on the quick count results of various survey institutions that favored the candidate pair number 01 as the winner of the 2019 presidential election. Until in time the vote recapitulation was officially announced by the General Election Commission. While in fact 02 continued to carry out politics to build public perception, that they were the winners of the presidential election. They made a maneuver so that the community did not believe in the survey institution. For this reason, it is better for all parties to be patient in waiting for the KPU’s official decision by not building perceptions in the public which would provoke the masses. The quick count quick count approach is a method of knowledge that has been tested in various elections in several countries. Because what happens if the method is not carried out and it actually gives an opportunity to certain parties to commit fraud, and the voters are made dark as long as they wait for official results.

When we talk about the political stage, it feels like we cannot escape the conflict that is the spice of the story of Indonesia’s political journey. A healthy and constructive conflict will make the people of Indonesia more united and more mature, but prolonged conflicts tend to potentially break the nation’s unity and integrity. It is appropriate that political battles only occur in the political sphere. Furthermore, all parties must be able to accept the results wisely. The leader must be prepared to win loses in a contestation. The fight that should have been completed when the new presidents and vice-presidents were elected and made the whole united community be incomplete if there were still irresponsible individuals who were unable to accept the defeat of the political partner they supported.

If the results of all 2019 Election purposes never show a positive achievement index, as the nation still remains in the backyard of neighboring countries, it is not yet economically, politically, and culturally sovereign, in fact we still have to care for hope. Indonesia, which is almost at the age of 74 years, should not submit to all the negative temperament of the leaders, imprisoned by deviant-leaning organizations that conflict with the country’s philosophy and the ideals of the founding fathers of the nation. Whatever the results of the 2019 Election, it should not be the reason for the dissolution of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the extinction of the archipelago like the Balkan countries.

The presence of individuals who are reluctant to accept the results of the 2019 Election in a generous manner further adds to our long list of disgraces as the identity of a sovereign and dignified nation. Before the 2019 General Election was officially held, this country was stirred by the rise of hoaxes or hoaxes which caused a lot of conflict, both in cyberspace and real.
The rise of the fake news turned out to not only cause quite a fatal dispute, but also caused some people to decide to enter the White Group or Golput. So it is not surprising that many political leaders in Indonesia are coming down the mountain to ease the rampant issue of abstentions. Hoaxes, Abstentions, and added elements who do not accept the results of the 2019 Election are increasingly making problems that have befallen this country. Even though there are still many other problems waiting to be resolved from various lines of life: education, facilities and infrastructure, economics, and so on.

If this situation persists and is not immediately eradicated, over time the status of our nation as a developing nation will continue to run in place. It is impossible for us to be able to bear the title of a developed country if we do not start to unite from now on. This is of course very unfortunate considering that our Founding Fathers have set great goals and ideals for Indonesia. Without this it is impossible for their independence struggle to pay off.
While the framework of unity is a fixed price that cannot be negotiated. Indonesia’s independence became clear evidence that big aspirations needed to be sustained by a spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation. That is why the people must support the results of the 2019 Election for the success of national leadership sustainability and the success of development in Indonesia.

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