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Ramadhan Post-Election are The Right Moment to Establish Unity


By: Ismail) *

Elections are just waiting for the official results from the KPU, but blowing narratives of the 2019 Election will not abate, until the threat of people power arises from those who feel cheated.

            The year 2019 is certainly something special, where after the election is held, Muslims welcome the holy month of Ramadhan. In Indonesian history, Ramadhan is a sacred momentum, even for non-Muslims. That is because, in the month of Ramadan the proclamation of independence was proclaimed by Ir Soekarno in August 1945 or 1364 Hijriah. Since then Indonesia has become a free nation, has its own government system, and has legitimacy from other countries.

            This certainly shows how meaningful the month of Ramadan is for the journey of the history of Indonesian civilization.

            However, there was an event that colored the 2019 election, where different parties chose each other’s opinions which risked breaking the national unity, this happened before the voting and after the voting. Until finally showing a non-constructive debate. Even insults and utterances of hatred also occur, especially on social media.

            This difference in the 2019 election made the people make sentences that did not reflect the character of the Indonesian nation. Though differences are destiny for Indonesia, because differences are not only a matter of taste or preference, but political choices are also part of differences that must be respected by anyone.

            In democratizing, of course the righteous attitude must also be demonstrated when indeed getting the desired results, it is enough for us to berate one another, provoked hoaxes, let alone throw expletives on behalf of religion. Because in fact this does not give any benefit to this nation at all.

            We have all used the power of the people to give their voting rights on 17 April. Now of course we just wait for the results to be announced by the KPU and focus on adding good practice in the month of Ramadan.

            Bawaslu also has not found evidence of a valid fraud, even though it has received a report from the BPN that wants to report that the KPU and Jokowi are suspicious.

            But the report turned out to only contain a copy of the news from online media, so the report did not have a strong basis to accuse fraud in the 2019 election.

            This of course must be responded responsibly by the reporting party, because the reporter cannot show evidence in the form of documents, videos or photographs, as evidence that can be accepted by Bawaslu.

            We also hope that the General Election that has been carried out will really glorify who wins and not defame the victors. Because in a democratic life, every presidential candidate and vice president who wins the contestation must get recognition from the community. This is based on the results of the victory is the choice yakyat.

            The KAHMI National Assembly Presidium Coordinator Hamdan Zoelva, asked the entire community to be patient waiting for the final results of the vote count by the KPU. He also hopes that the public can oversee the calculation so that all election processes can take place honestly, fairly and with integrity.

            “KAHMI invites all citizens, contestants, campaign teams and sympathizers, to maintain our unity and unity as a nation.

            After all, the moment of the 2019 Ramadan and Election goes hand in hand, it should be the momentum of all parties to be able to knit back a sense of brotherhood.

            Previously the Management of the Nahdlatul Ulama Region (PWNU). PW Muhammadiyah and 20 other mass organizations in Jakarta, have called for unity after the 2019 election.

            One of the participants who was a representative of the Khatib Syuriah PWNU Jakarta Ahmad Zahari said that the mass organizations and institutions incorporated in the forum were committed to maintaining or creating a safe, cool and peaceful atmosphere after the 2019 election.

            In addition, his party also agreed to build mutual awareness in safeguarding the Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, NKRI and the 1945 Constitution.

With the coming of the holy month of Ramadan, surely all worldly problems are slowly being removed, it is time for every Muslim to welcome the holy month with a variety of activities and activities that make people fun together without any gaps.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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