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People Power Is Not Relevant in Indonesia


By: Ricky Rinaldi) *

People power calls can certainly be categorized as contempt of court (contempt) against the Constitutional Court (MK) as a judicial institution, because it is considered to negate the hard work of all components of the Constitutional Court to strengthen public trust in the Institute.

People power is also not a wise effort in democracy, like what happened in Egypt in January 2011, where millions of residents took to the streets and were concentrated in the Tahrir Square, Cairo. The protesters insisted they would not go home until President Husni Mubarak wanted to leave his office after 30 years in power.

            During the mass action, as many as 846 people were killed by repression of government security forces. Until finally, Husni Mubarak surrendered his power to the military delivered by Vice President Omar Suleiman on February 11, 2011.

            From this, certainly shows that people power is an effort towards destruction, because the risk of falling victim is very possible.

The Chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) stated that the People Power movement was a very dangerous mobilization of the interests of the nation and state.

The seriousness of the threat of the people power movement has triggered the Indonesian government to react hard enough and respond seriously. Even Menkopohukam Wiranto will also form a special legal team to monitor the words, actions and rotation of figures who instigate and undermine the unity of the NKRI.

On another occasion, National Police Chief Tito Karnavian stated that people power efforts as a form of public mobilization were common. However, people power efforts to overthrow the legitimate government will be prosecuted with treason laws, article 107 of the Criminal Code.

Though Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu hopes that allegations of fraud and dissatisfaction with the results of the 2019 presidential election can be resolved through legal channels.

He admitted that at this time he had not received any reports regarding the movement of the people to use the people’s power in protesting the election results which were allegedly fraudulent. He also argued that the unconstitutional movement could damage the unity of the Indonesian people.

Ryamizard will also act decisively if the action ends in treason, if people power is forced, then it includes treason, and there is a punishment, so something forced – forced, there must be a law.

            The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) also continues to be aware of the terror threat after the 2019 election. Through Teddy Lhaksamana as the deputy chairman of BIN, he said that there were efforts to mobilize people power to surround the KPU.

            “At present, issues of fraud are being developed and a siege to the KPU on May 22. BIN detects and prevents potential threats early, “said Teddy.

            With this potential, Teddy stressed that BIN would be responsible for maintaining state security. Therefore BIN has always been aware of this potential.

            In the end, if certain circles are determined to take to the streets and truly mobilize people power in order to delegitimize the results of the election, the government and the Indonesian security apparatus are ready to face democratically and in accordance with the provisions of the law.

In this case, the political elites should be role models for their sympathizers, in order to accept whatever results the KPU calculates in the 2019 Election.

            The community should also reject the invitation of the unconstitutional movement, and respect the KPU as the organizer of the election which has the authority to count the ballots.

People Power’s rejection also occurred in several regions in Indonesia, such as in Maros, South Sulawesi. Where a number of members and leaders of the Maros South Sulawesi DPRD have read out the declaration of the rejection of all forms of unconstitutional movements that delegitimize the 2019 Election.

            Maros DPRD does not agree with the movement because it is an unconstitutional movement. It also appealed to the entire community to maintain the unity and integrity of the post-election NKRI.

A similar thing was also held in Banyuwangi, where the Banyuwangi Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) called for peace after the April 2019 election. The community is also expected to be able to respect the stages of the election that are still ongoing until later KPU officially bids the announcement.

            Of course we also hope that during the calculation until later the official results of the KPU will be determined. The vote counting process can take place safely and peacefully.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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