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Beware of Terrorism Threats On Christmas and New Year Events


Author: Agung Setia Budi, S.I.P, M.Sos) *

A number of threats of vulnerability towards Christmas Day and the New Year 2020 which originated from the threat of terrorism still have the potential to occur targeting the crowd and places of worship. These indications examine the track record of a series of terrorist acts throughout 2019 reflected by the bombing of Medan Police Station and the recent stabbing of the former Menkopolhukam Wiranto in Banten. In addition, based on data from the National Police related to Kamtibmas disturbance during Christmas and New Year celebrations in 2018-2019 there was an increase of 4,012 cases or 27.49 percent when compared to the period in 2017-2018 which was only 2,909 cases. But the number of traffic accidents during the Christmas celebration in 2018-2019 there was a 30 percent decrease from 965 cases to 673 cases.

Observing these conditions, the security and intelligence apparatus need to increase security thickening in crowded places and places of worship in order to create a sense of security for all citizens to be protected. Anticipation of the state in the early detection of potential terrorism threats has been carried out, reflected by the success of Detachment 88 in capturing two suspected terrorists in Kenagarian Baringin, Lima Kaum District, Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra ahead of Nataru 2020.

At the scene of the crowd ahead of Nabaru 2020, there is a new pattern of terrorists involving families because they consider new ways to be the most effective. This makes handling terrorist acts even more difficult to anticipate. In addition, acts of terrorism are always looking for opportunities for the right momentum in their efforts to send a message to the state of the existence of their radicalism and arouse feelings of extraordinary fear in the midst of society. Certainly the strong endeavors of terrorism in the selection of strategic locations aim to have an extraordinary impact on society and the country.

Acts of terrorism utilizing the momentum of Christmas and New Year in Indonesia have been going on for a long time from 2013 until now with the note that there are patterns used by terrorists to innovate such as from individuals to family groups with the initial premise of radicalism being terrorism, attempts to manipulate the logic of thinking about children less frequently checked by security forces. Migration from traditional to modern and physical changes are fashionable or present in covering the final execution. But there are always rejected in the adaptation of their innovations, istiqomah strongly isolate the space of thought and social relations in the Pancasila community.

In addition, those who have not yet experienced any changes related to communication patterns and movements are still strongly organized in terrorism cells in Indonesia, which are still quite widespread. In many of the cases that have been revealed there has not been terrorism carrying out its actions independently and they continue to carry out linear activities of organizations with very high levels of confidentiality.

Reflecting on the church bombing case in Surabaya in 2018 by a family from the JAD family, the effort of a family to condition itself to become radical cannot happen naturally. The family can be sure to enter the house with a network of radical thoughts, and then even more deeply encourage them to carry out acts of murder of humanity. Do not underestimate the radical characterization that continues to emerge in the public domain, it is not too difficult for us to find out who is doing what in the public domain, many survey results have published nearly 10 million Indonesians with radical views. So that the situation of a moderate, tolerant and accommodating diversity diversity which is a strong foundation of the basic state of this country has been overshadowed by the devil terrorism that is anti geosocial intensive bonus which is not possessed by other countries in the world.

The responsibility of overcoming terrorism and the roots of radicalism’s ideas is open to the authority of the state and its supporting instruments, but this is how the community is now
building awareness of shared responsibilities and commitments against terrorism. Concern in the context of community participation needs to be continuously raised, especially religious leaders, educators and politicians need to minimize and fight the issue of SARA and re-invite all parties to re-implement the Pancasila ideology and place terrorism as a common enemy of the community.

) * Researcher Study of Radicalism and Terrorism in Developing Countries

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