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Simplification of Bureaucracy Realize World Class Government


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari ) *

The Jokowi-Ma’ruf government continues to be committed to realizing the simplification of the bureaucracy. Besides aiming to speed up decision making and save budget, bureaucratic simplification is also able to realize world-class Government patterns.

In the period before the reforms were carried out, many bureaucratic apparatuses or HRs were not competent in the field of work and were not professional because of the practices of nepotism . Bureaucracies became fat because they had to accommodate relatives and families of officials or authorities in the bureaucracy.

The low quality of the bureaucracy apparatus or human resources at that time can be seen from several indicators such as the ability of services that are not optimal, where most of the time is not used productively, and the roles are not yet optimal in finding a breakthrough in carrying out the tasks as mandated.

              In his second period, Jokowi wanted bureaucratic downsizing or bureaucratic reform. This is aimed at making the bureaucracy in Indonesia more efficient, rational, fast and precise.

              Public policy observer from the Banera Institute, Ferdy Hasiman welcomed President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi’s) plan to cut bureaucracy as a form of post-reformation beer reformation in 1998.

              According to Ferdy, it is not only the rapid development of the digital world, but businesses also want to move quickly so that they can respond to the market so quickly. That speed is not accompanied by the speed of licensing in the government that runs so slowly because they have to go through a bureaucratic chain that is twisted or so long.

              In his research, he often encounters corruption cases involving the private sector and government. Examples of cases of bribery occur because the managers and company leaders want to work quickly to catch up with the market. But their targets are constrained by such a long bureaucratic chain. To complete just one license takes so long and can take years.

              As a result, many managers and company leaders take the fast route by bribing bureaucrats to speed up permits. There has been much evidence of corruption cases due to these conditions.

              For this reason, he supports the idea of ​​President Jokowi in an effort to cut several levels of Eselen even echelon to only 2 echelons. The reason, the number of civil servants and bureaucrats is very large, while the work of many PNS members is ineffective.

              He also observed, so far many echelons in the bureaucracy that suffer from Parkinson’s disease alias humans always have the need to be considered important and respected by the people around him.

              That is, with the emergence of many echelons certainly can not be separated from the demand for psychology to be a boss and boss. These echelons are not aware of continually raising their subordinates, because the more subordinates the more important they are.

              Though the work becomes wordy and ineffective. The risk is, the bureaucracy becomes fat, aka swollen and useless.

              An example is in NTT, where there is one district that employs 50 civil servants to maintain the local library, even though the library capacity is very inadequate and the books are not so many.

              When asked what he was doing, they answered ‘come morning abscess and after that play chess.’ Of course this shows that requests for civil servant recruitment in bureaucracies are often not in accordance with workload requests.

              He believes that by simplifying the bureaucracy, it can actually save the state budget . If the bureaucracy is brewed as needed to achieve optimal goals, the number of echelon can be reduced and the effect is the number of civil servants can be reduced. Expenditures on salaries, work tools, office and travel costs become more efficient.

The Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) will accelerate the acceleration of the simplification of the bureaucracy. This year the transfer of positions from structural to functional is targeted to be completed.

              Tjahjo Kumolo as MenPan-RB said, simplifying the bureaucracy aims to improve government effectiveness and accelerate decision making.

Bureaucratic pruning is certainly something important, so that matters relating to correspondence including the filing of licenses can be faster and not be convoluted until it can reach four months.

On different occasions, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said, simplification of bureaucracy needs to be done so that there is a real impact of bureaucratic reform on public services.

              Ma’ruf said that bureaucratic reform must lead to public services that are fast, easy, and inexpensive, and remain accessible in all conditions.

              Streamlining or simplifying the bureaucracy launched by the government will certainly be the answer to the complicated bureaucracy in Indonesia, of course with a fast and inexpensive bureaucracy, the national economy will improve.

) * The author is a social political observer

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