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Transfer of the National Capital to Create a New Work Culture


By: Rebecca Marian) *

The plan to relocate the capital city of the island of Borneo brings new hope . In addition to being able to sustain government administration, the transfer of the National Capital is expected to be able to form a new work culture that can improve the professionalism of public services.

Pros and cons have become a necessity in every policy or government work program. Because the existence of a contra community will also be considered by the government to be able to rethink related to its policy . President Jokowi’s decision to move the country’s capital to East Kalimantan is in the public spotlight. Friday, August 16, 2019 witnessed the great decision of the Indonesian president . According to him, the capital must be moved because Jakarta is no longer able to become the nation’s capital. 

The economic burden on the island of Java and Jakarta is already too large so that this causes economic disparities to regions outside of Java. 

Another reason dilontarka Jokowi associated pemindaha capital city is Jakarta is not safe anymore because of the threat of natural disaster is so great, the location of Jakarta which are in the area of the ring of fire and the meeting area of the plates globe caused Jak a avg is not safe to be used as capital for major risk earthquake, tsunami, and volcanic eruptions.

In his decision, Jokowi determined the location of Indonesia’s new capital city in parts of Penajam Paser Utara and Kutai Kartanegara District , East Kalimantan Province. Megapa government chose that location as the capital city of the new? According to the president Jokowi most ideal location utuk dijadika capital is in some areas of North and Penajam Paser Regency of Kutai Kartanegara , East Kalimantan province.

Given fasili ta s in East Kalimantan are very supportive, especially at airports and highways and seaports were already there. In addition, the location of East Kalimantan, which is in the middle of the Samarinda -Balikpapan toll road , strongly supports this location as the capital. Besides East Kalimantan has three standard stadiums internationally , ie Stadium Aji Imbut in Kutai Kertanegara , Stadium Batakan in Balikpapan, and Stadium Palaran in Samarinda .

The concept that better describe Indonesian archipelago will be far Leih well, where everyone who came there to see the diversity of cultures in Indonesia can also see the history of the struggle for the establishment of an independent state. It would be very interesting if this could be realized. 

Although many countries in the world have specially built capitals including Malaysia, Myanmar, Australia and Brazil , urban designer and architect Maud Cassaignau , from Monash Art Design and Architecture, believes that Indonesia is the first country to build a city on environmental grounds .

The concept of the city being built is a modern city that is compact and inclusive . Spatial berorientassi t erhadap Ru ang Green Open Space (RTH) and infrastructure connected with public transport, as well as connections tekologi communications and telecommunications.  

Because of Borneo in d o minasi by green open spaces, the concept of integration of green space or trees and blue or water can be selected sebgai peneyeimbang ecosystems in the region. The architectural design will also be in accordance with the characteristics of Indonesian culture and be built by balancing the social, economic, and environmental aspects in it. Ko ta new, was expected to be a city that is intelligent and berstanda r international.

With all the advantages and facilities in i bu city is not expected to build the culture of the new system of government work, more productive for the nation’s progress. Not only that, the new capital city must be the front-runner of the technological system as a form of response to technological advances and world industry going forward .

) * The writer is a Papuan student, living in Jakarta

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