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Omnibus Law Policy Accelerates Economic and Social Development


By: Muhammad Yasin )*

The spread of the Corona or Covid-19 virus has hit the national economy. The community also urged the DPR to immediately discuss the Omnibus of Work Copyright which is believed to be able to accelerate economic and social development due to disease outbreaks.

The government under the auspices of President Joko widodo has made a breakthrough to cut down regulations that are hampering, one of which is through the work copyright omnibus. Since the emergence of this Law, the pros and cons began to roll. Many people who support, but many also poured out rejection with various reasons. Moreover, alluding to the workers or laborers, in Indonesia which incidentally is very large in number.

Misinformation that occurs due to the height of the public universe in the Maya world helped calm the atmosphere. In the middle of the Corona pandemic which continues to show its fangs. The government is asked to be vigilant to prepare weapons. Including assistance for workers who have been laid off. In addition, the work copyright law in fact also has attention to the MSME sector which is directly affected by the Corona that struck.

The weakening of the economy in all sectors certainly requires quite a shot. Weak purchasing power of the people resulting in declining income or even the potential for loss of income is now the focus of the government. All the help that will be poured out is all outlined in this Sapujagat Law. So if the people’s opinion of Omnibuslaw only sided with only one footing it was certainly a big mistake.

Not only in the informal workers sector, work copyright omnibus has the potential to boost other sectors which will strengthen the Indonesian economy going forward. Why is that? This omnibuslaw is a law for all laws and regulations in Indonesia. The focus of the Omnibuslaw is to unravel the overlapping laws and regulations. You know, how complicated the bureaucratic system is also the regulations in the archipelago, which many hinder all freedom of doing business.

With various kinds of permit facilities, this will later increase the opportunity to improve progress, especially for welfare distribution. Omnibus Law’s work has targeted two Mega issues that have always been an endless scourge. What is that? Yes, unemployment is also the availability of employment

Through the application of work copyright omnibus, it is expected to be able to strengthen the economic climate that has the potential to open as many jobs as possible. So that 9 million unemployed can be overcome very well. Although in the process of maturation, it must go through a long and complicated path, knowing that the work copyright omnibus touches on sensitive issues related to workers or workers. However, the government continues to seek justice to be together. Because, later this success belongs to us all, the country is also the people of Indonesia.

Covid-19 which is currently plaguing at least greatly affects the performance of the informal sector. Call it, the impact of Corona impact on the closure of a number of factories, workers or workers are threatened with being laid off or even losing income. If the work copyright omnibus is applied, of course many compensation can be immediately applied. One of them is assistance from Social Security who are willing to bear a number of costs for their workers if laid off. Various benefits have even been prepared, such as old age pension or retirement benefits, education benefits, health care, and others. Including the application of pre-employment cards which are very profitable.

Through this pre-employment card, workers will be calmer because the government will help with their problems. Although it is not easy, the draft Ombibus Law, which is still being carried out, continues to develop.

What needs to be underlined is the ease of licensing to freedom of business which is often an obstacle. If a small business has a more straightforward license related to financing, for example, the potential for developing a business to be even greater will be more open. So that it can trigger the opening of wider jobs.

With easier access to licensing, it is expected that in the future there will be many laws that provide flexibility in independent development. Freedom here is still in the normal level, and is not madness or has a negative connotation. Discretion is certainly like a breath of fresh air when conditions have been stifling because it has happened repeatedly (Laws that are considered to have expired or have been unable to cover a number of problems). Therefore, do not be afraid to come out of your comfort zone, to further spread your wings of progress.

)* The writer is a Pakuan Bogor University Student

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