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Beware of the Current Pattern of Spread of Radicalism


By: Raavi Ramadhan) *
One negative impact of the development of information technology as it is today is the flood of foreign ideologies that are in conflict with Pancasila, one of which is radical understanding. It is hoped that all parties will not be careless and remain aware of the pattern of the spread of radicalism today which generally utilizes the digital world.

Today, there are so many teachings that teach less radical understanding. Even though it has always existed, the reality is that this distorted understanding continues to be transformed according to the times. In fact, sometimes it is even more sophisticated. The reason is, they are good at using all the intrigue to be able to attract new victims. The goal, of course, is to recruit new cadres.

Basically, the new successors are only used as puppets to launch the action. Actually there are many types of radicalism behavior. However, globally radicalism is closely related to trust. Can also make the perpetrators act out of control, adhering to extremism, fanaticism and have a high enough intolerance. In many cases, radicalism arises when other people do not agree or disagree, resulting in the desire to get rid of it.

While the government is looking for ways to help the people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the spread of radicalism still does not stop. There are seductions that are spread so they can be used. Flirting takes many forms, especially when it comes to everyday matters. The perpetrators of radicalism are good at taking hearts, but are actually undermining our faith, lowering our awareness of tolerance and even leading us to be deviant. Just like they do.

While Indonesia was at war with Covid-19, radical spreaders appeared to the public and offered false promises. The tendency arises due to the propaganda on social media about the caliphate which is considered capable of overcoming the Corona Virus outbreak. They also continue to build hatred on social media against various Government efforts in tackling this plague of infectious diseases.

The spread of radicalism today that utilizes digital media certainly endangers the integrity of the nation. This trend should be watched out considering there are currently around 120 million social users in Indonesia. Of that amount, most or the majority came from millennials. Therefore, radicalism can flourish easily in Indonesia if there is no shared concern to counter the anti-Pancasila ideology.

The continued spread of radical ideology certainly endangers the young generation who are the nation’s successors. These millennials are considered unstable, if not careful, surely they will be hit by the flow and difficult to return. Young people who live in this 4.0 era must be warned, warned until given direction. That, radicalism mentalities are very easy to develop. Especially if the environment of young people is not supportive, it is certain that the seeds of radicalism will continue to emerge.

Deradicalisation might help, but true self-control to the application of wisdom in dealing with the rapid flow of technology must start from yourself. Because this technology is often misused. In fact, the suicide bomber claimed some time ago that he could assemble the bomb through social media shows, sad?

Don’t say don’t care because it’s someone else exposed. However, just imagine if this happened to you, your family, your children, your siblings or others. Of course we cannot be selfish because the progress of the state also lies with its people. If collaboration between the government and the people is steadily building unity, increasing tolerance to creating a conducive climate in their respective communities, it is not impossible that radicalism will leave.

) * The author is a citizen living in Tangerang, active in United Muslim Millennial

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