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Strengthen Social Distancing to Prevent Covid-19 Spread


By: Rahmat Saleh )

Maybe there are still those who fully understand that social distancing is the key to breaking the chain of transmission of Corona Virus or Covid-19. In fact, people need to strengthen social distancing or social restrictions given the very rapid spread of Covid-19.

The government indeed prefers social interaction restrictions (lockdown) rather than lockdown to reduce the spread of the corona virus (covid-19) at this time. President Joko Widodo stated that the government would not have implemented a lockdown at both the national and regional levels. According to him, Lockdown is a policy of the central government and may not be decided by the regional government.

The former Surakarta mayor said what needs to be done now is to reduce mobility or movement of people from one place to another. So that policies regarding learning, working and worshiping at home do need to be intensified and disseminated to the wider community.

              According to Katie Pearce of John Hopkins University, social distance is a practice in public health to prevent sick people from making contact with healthy people to reduce the chance of disease transmission.

              Social distance actions include, canceling teaching and learning activities, canceling recitation, canceling concerts and other matters related to the crowd. If outside the home, the application of social distance can be in the form of maintaining a distance from others as far as 1 meter.

              Even if they are forced to hold a wedding, of course they are only allowed to undergo a contract and are not allowed to hold a reception by inviting a number of invited guests. Because the principle is firm, social distancing means saying no to the crowd.

              Simply stated, social distancing can be interpreted as reducing activities outside the home and away from the crowd so that the corona virus transmission chain can stop.

              When implementing social distancing, of course a person is not allowed to shake hands and keep a distance of at least 1 meter when interacting with others, especially with people who are sick or at high risk of suffering from Covid-19.

              During social distancing, of course what is needed is to provide medicines such as fever-reducing or paracetamol to relieve pain or fever, so that if the condition of the body is not too severe, certainly no need to go to a hospital or health center.

              If forced out of the house, then always use a mask, if possible bring a hand sanitizer, the thing to remember is, avoid the crowd, because we do not know whether people out there bring corona agents from the red zone or not.

              Social distance or self isolation also aims to avoid someone from contracting or transmitting a virus in this case, the corona virus in their environment. People who are infected with a virus do not always show symptoms, but they are still at risk to transmit the corona virus to others unnoticed.

              This will certainly be dangerous if the virus is transmitted to vulnerable groups, namely the elderly, people with a history of asthma or people who have non-communicable diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus.

              During social distancing, avoid panic buying or buying goods in large quantities. When buying food, then choose foods with balanced nutrition to strengthen the immune system.

In undergoing social distance, of course the existence of technology is very much needed, especially with online learning. However the existence of the internet indirectly can also create anxiety when accessing news about Corona.

              In addition, avoid also accessing negative information related to corona virus, while at home, of course we must be able to filter out any information that we want to know. We can also limit certain times that we want to use to access social media.

              Efforts to distract the media that preach the news about corona are certainly needed. Take a novel or watch the most memorable movie on Youtube . Besides activities such as cleaning the room or cooking can also be a positive option for activities during the social distance.

              During the social distance, it never hurts to keep exercising even if only at home, of course the existence of YouTube is very helpful to give us information about what sports can be done at home without the need to go to the gym or fitness center.

              Of course in breaking the corona chain, not only the role of the government or medical staff, but it all starts from ourselves, by implementing a healthy clean lifestyle and social distancing, of course we play a role in breaking the corona virus chain.

) * The author is a contributor to the Jakarta Student Press Association

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