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Research on Covid-19 in Indonesia Experienced Progress


By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *

Indonesian research on sequencing the genome or genome sequencing is used as an object of research to identify Covid-19 continued to progress encouraging . This progress is expected to produce results in the form of a corona virus vaccine that circulates in the country.

              Some encouraging news came during the Covid-19 Pandemic . In addition to continuing to develop research on genome se quencing, the success of the sons and daughters of other nations is being able to develop PCR test kits and ventilators. The medical devices related to handling Covid-19 can already be produced domestically.

              Indonesian President Ir Joko Widodo asked that Indonesia be able to produce it en masse, so that Indonesia would no longer depend on imported products. We have produced at least the end of May or the beginning of the year.

              The former Surakarta Mayor revealed a number of research advances conducted by the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency related to the Corona virus. According to him, there have been a number of advances, including in vaccine testing.

              In a limited meeting broadcast on YouTube, Jokowi received a report from the Ministry of Research and Technology and BRIN that had successfully developed a PCR test kit, then a non PCR diagnostic test and also a ventilator and a mobile BSL 2.

              President Jokowi also mentioned that there had been progress in testing blood Covid-19 patients who had recovered for treatment. Then stem cell testing to repair organs damaged by the corona virus.

              He also hopes that these innovations will be supported by all parties. Including given the ease in licensing and distribution. And connected with industry, both with SOEs and the private sector.

              It is known that the Ministry of Research and Technology is allocating unused funds such as funds for official travel and meeting expenses to conduct research on the Covid-19 pandemic conditions .

              The funds are not used because the government is currently implementing a Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy and diverting them to more priority things, namely research to develop medical devices, drugs and corona virus vaccines.

              Funds from the Ministry of Research and Technology are allocated from Rp. 38 billion. In addition, Kemenristek also coordinates research activities in tertiary institutions.

              Kemenristek has signed a contract approximately 1 or 2 months ago with various universities in Indonesia to conduct research activities in various fields.

              After the Covid-19 incident , the Menristek contacted the university to ask to move the research topic to focus on corona virus research.             

A number of universities have conducted budget refocusing to assist research on Covid-19 . Bambang said from the refocusing of a number of universities the amount reached Rp 11 billion and according to Bambang such funds were sufficient to conduct research.

              Bambang Brodjonegoro as Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek) said that his party also understood that in conditions like today it was clearly not an ideal condition. The former Minister of Finance knew that economic conditions in Indonesia were not functioning normally.

              He also said, in fact the cost of research / research was not too high because the research was only carried out until it could produce prototypes only. As for the production and distribution later, it can use the budget from the Ministry of Health.

              In addition, institutions which are under the foundation of the Ministry of Research and Technology such as LIPI, Eijkman and BPPT also have their respective routine budget allocations which can be focused on helping Covid-19’s research budget , He said, this research does not depend on the state budget funds.

              The development of drugs and vaccines for the corona virus continues to be carried out by Biofarma, Litbangkes and the Eijkman Institute. At present, the development has entered the stage of clinical trials.

              The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) with the University of Indonesia (UI), the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and PT Dharma are developing ventilators. This development has entered the endurance test stage by the Health Facilities Safety Agency (BPFK) Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health).

              In addition, the Ministry of Research and Technology will also develop a number of technologies to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic , one of which is by Raisa’s robot to help medical staff deal with patients infected with the corona virus.

              RAISA robot will later serve patients by delivering drugs and others. Currently UNAIR and ITS’s research and innovation team is designing the Raisa robot. They have also made a prototype of Raisa’s robot.

              This progress certainly shows Indonesia’s optimism to fight the corona virus. The hard work of these researchers certainly deserves our appreciation.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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