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Maintaining The Health of Mind and Soul for the Success of the New Habit Adaptation Era


By: Yoga Utama (Content Creator / Psychological Science Student, Padjajaran University)

The activities we do everyday now can’t be done as usual. Currently, health protocols must be attached to every activity. There is even a demand to always maintain cleanliness in the environment where you live and in the work environment.

Following the health protocol regulations in this era of adaptation to new habits often makes us feel anxious about doing outside activities, given the large number of Covid-19 spreads in Indonesia.

Maybe for some people, things like this are taken casually. But not for some people, this can actually cause mental problems, anxiety, and even depression. Mental health during the Covid-19 Pandemic is very important to pay attention to because considering that many of our activities are hampered and have an impact on personal mental health.

Mental health in the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic needs separate handling, because this has changed several aspects of life including social distancing, quarantine and independent isolation, activities at home, panic buying, to changes in handling at health facilities.

Conditions that have changed so rapidly and cannot be determined for long, then the news that we keep hearing and reading will cause severe mental health changes that lead to depression. These effects can hinder healing in us. This also happens to medical personnel who experience discriminatory behavior in their neighborhood.

There are a number of efforts to overcome this mental health problem, which can be done to prevent mental health problems so that they do not lead to depression. Starting from limiting excessive information, because uncontrolled information on social media will cause excessive coverage conditions and indirectly we also spread fear to both the sender of the message and the recipient of the message. Filter the news or information we read first, before sharing information from reliable and accurate sources, together with us to fight hoaxes and negative content about the New Habit Adaptation Era by spreading optimism narratives.

Furthermore, we can get rid of or avoid feelings that make us uncomfortable by doing positive things, such as exercising at home, trying new recipes, reducing habits that are not good for health, and other activities that can have a good effect. for us.

But if you feel stress or an uncomfortable feeling, immediately consult mental health professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and others to get prompt and appropriate help.

The family environment must also be able to create a safe and comfortable atmosphere, encourage our families to do positive and productive activities. It can also reduce boredom by maintaining social contact through social media with family, loved ones or friends, and continuing to work and doing activities using an internet connection, including continuing to undergo distance education for a student and university student.

Finally, don’t forget to always support our closest friends and online friends who are undergoing self-quarantine, this effort aims to make someone feel understood, validated and strengthened by others who live it because we can fight together against the spread of Covid- 19 by making the New Habit Adaptation Era a success.

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