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Demonstration of the Job Creation Law during the Pandemic Period to Endanger the Community


By: Dodik Prasetyo) *

The danger of corona is still lurking and people are asked to be more vigilant. Unfortunately there are some who are even determined to protest, on the grounds of protesting against the Job Creation Law. even though President Jokowi had advised them to sue through the Constitutional Court, instead of demonstrating. Love yourself instead of protesting and getting corona.

Demonstrations against the Job Creation Law by workers and civilians are really worrying. They did it not once or twice, but in volumes. The fear of the demonstration is the safety of the workers themselves, because during a demonstration they are prone to contracting corona from people without symptoms.

After the demonstration, there was a rapid test on the workers in Tangerang. Of the 9 people who are obliged to test, the results are 13 positive for corona. This proves the concern of medical personnel and epidemiologists about the formation of the new corona cluster. Because those whose results are reactive are really infected while they are enjoying the demonstration.

In Jakarta, the demonstrators, consisting of anarcho teenagers, were also arrested and obliged to take a rapid test. The results were 12 of them showed reactive results. They were secured at Polda Metro Jaya and had to have a swab test so that the results were more accurate. Unable to escape the police chase, but instead waiting for their turn to test and afraid of a positive result.

Too bad they became victims of the corona malignancy just because they were desperate to demonstrate. Whereas from the start this activity was strictly prohibited by the authorities and the masses were trying to be driven away. However, they got emotional when they were about to be disbanded, and even dared to burn the police station. When they got the covid-19 virus, they just got the stone. Tired of protesting, he even threatened to lose his life.

That’s only a small fraction of the crowd caught and tested. Imagine if there were other demonstrators who escaped from the police and ran to the house. If it turns out to be positive for corona, it has the potential to infect parents, younger siblings and neighbors. Other victims are people who are met on the street, such as food and beverage sellers or public transportation drivers.

If there is a demo cluster, how can the pandemic status end quickly? The people do not want to be orderly, but when they get infected with corona, they even blame the government and don’t believe it if they are infected with the covid-19 virus. Even though it is their own fault, because it has been prohibited but insisted.

If we look back, the demonstrators caught the corona when they gathered and saw speeches. If the person making the speech takes off the mask, the droplets float in the air. When he has the OTG status, it will transmit the Covid-19 virus to many people. Unfortunately, his ability to give speeches was disastrous for thousands of demonstrators.

Protesters also contracted the corona during lunch break. It is impossible to chew rice without removing the mask. They became careless, took off their protection from their masks and ate together. When there is an OTG next to it, it has the potential to transmit corona. Especially when in one group sharing mineral water, the results can collapse.

Stop the follow-up demonstration plan immediately because many former protesters have become victims. Do not even underestimate and threaten death, but insist on demonstrating because you want to convey your aspirations. Like depositing your life to an Izroil angel.

Use common sense before daring to go on a demonstration. Don’t let the desire to protest arise because you want to look contemporary. Or even a demonstration because they follow along with reasons of solidarity, but do not know what exactly the Job Creation Law is in question. Do you want to just duck but instead get corona?

There should be no follow-up demonstrations because it endangers yourself and your family. Instead of getting tired of protesting, it is better to obey President Jokowi to demand the Job Creation Law through the Constitutional Court. Because during the demonstration the risk of getting corona was very high. Love your life and don’t get corona.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Studies Institute (LSISI)

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