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Citizens and Millennials Unite Against Hoaks Virus


By: Puti Ayu) *
The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) assesses that the high public expectations of the Covid-19 vaccination plan have the potential to be misused into disinformation and misinformation (hoax) fields.
Kominfo claims that it has found almost countless fake news stories.
One of the news circulating is that more than 200 million vaccines have arrived. Then vaccine testing failed and there are still a lot of it. This is of course unsettling for the community and can have negative impacts.
Henry said that most of the hoaxes were spread in unverified media by the Press Council. These hoaxes are often amplified by social media accounts, so they generally spread very quickly.
For this reason, he appealed to the mass media to verify the Covid-19 vaccine issues, especially those entering Indonesia.
Henry said that the media can be a light in the current situation, to carry out verification so that the public can also get more accountable information from the side of the truth.
He said that a pandemic is still a scourge as well as a major challenge for the government. Apart from 3M’s campaign efforts, the government is also required to increase the 3T, namely tracing, testing, treatment.
Meanwhile, Head of the Presidential Staff Office Moeldoko encouraged the Regional Military Command (Kodam) to be involved in the covid-19 vaccination program. Moeldoko emphasized that the vaccination program is one of the government’s strong efforts to tackle the pandemic.
The massive hoax content related to vaccines actually made the Covid-19 Vaccine Spokesperson of PT Bio Farma Bambang Herianto today provide clarification regarding hoax information circulating in the community which states that the Covid-19 vaccine to be used is a vaccine for clinical trials.
Through a press conference, he confirmed that the Covid-19 vaccine, which is currently in Bio Farma, and will be used for later vaccination programs, will use vaccines that have obtained a license to use from BPOM, so that the packaging will be different from the vaccines used for purposes. clinic test.
The public and netizens must also understand that the covid-19 vaccine will only be used for the vaccination program after an approval for emergency use has been issued by the POM and not as a vaccine for clinical trials.
Public doubt about vaccines is evidenced by a survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-profit organization that deals with various national health issues in the United States, where the survey results show that 27 percent of respondents refuse to undergo Covid-19 vaccination even though it is done for free and is considered safe. .
In Indonesia, a similar survey conducted by Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting showed that only about 37 percent of citizens would explicitly be vaccinated against Covid-19 if it was available. 17 percent of residents said they would not be vaccinated, even 28 percent of residents said they would not be vaccinated, even 28 percent of residents said they were not afraid of contracting Covid-19.
On different occasions, Youtuber and content creator Bayu Skak asked the millennial generation not to think oddly about the Covid-19 vaccine.
He conveyed this appeal after undergoing the Covid-19 vaccination at the Grahadi State Building, Surabaya.
Bayu Skak said, representing millennials hopes that all of them don’t have different thoughts about vaccines that don’t know anything.
Even though he has received the vaccine, the Malang-born youth hopes that millennials will remain obedient and disciplined in implementing health protocols. Among them, wearing a mask, washing hands, maintaining distance.
The film director, Yowis Ben, admits that he is not afraid to undergo vaccinations, but he admits that he feels pounding with the vaccine syringe to be injected into his arm.
Regarding the rampant hoax news about the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine used by the government. Bayu admitted that he was not worried. To anticipate this, he chose to seek information about vaccines through trusted official sources.
After undergoing vaccination, Bayu Skak plans to make an educational video related to the covid-19 vaccine as an effort to prevent the transmission of covid-19.
Citizens and Millennials must certainly unite in fighting various hoaxes circulating about the Covid-19 vaccine, which is one of the factors that encourages public doubts about undergoing vaccination.
) * The author is a citizen living in Bekasi

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