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The Community Supports the Continuation of Special Autonomy in Papua


By: Timothy Gobay) *
The Papua Special Autonomy (Otsus) Program has many benefits for Papua’s development. Various elements of the community also support the sustainability of the program as one of the solutions for the welfare of the community.
The welfare of the community, especially residents living in the eastern region, is one of the government’s concerns. Jimmy Demianus Ije, as a member of the DPR RI from the West Papua electoral district, assessed that the revision of special autonomy (otsus) would be a concrete effort to improve the welfare of the people. Of course, on conditions that really touch the problems in Papua.
The leadership of the DPR RI itself has received a Presidential Letter (Surpres) regarding the discussion of the Revision of Law (UU) Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua. The letter will be followed up at the next trial period. However, not all members of the DPR RI have received the revised draft of the Special Autonomy.
Jimmy emphasized that the Papua problem is not only a financial one, but also a matter of authority.
As a member of the DPR RI from the West Papua electoral district, he continues to shout for the future of society. According to him, the government and the people of Papua need to discuss, sit together to discuss the revision of the Special Autonomy Law.
He also explained again that the issue of authority he meant was to regulate or manage his own natural resources (SDA), be it oil and gas, sea and forest.
He considered, it is not surprising that the Papuan people think that the existence of Otsus has not had any impact. If you want to be serious, Jimmy suggested that the government learn from the Bosano Provincial Government in Italy and the Alan Islands in Firland. Both countries have successfully implemented Otsus for their people.
Jimmy said, Bosano has experienced like Papua, for decades experienced like Papua for tens of years, at which time Otsus was not successful and it took 10 years to negotiate.
He also reminded that the revision of the Papua Special Autonomy Law should not be rushed, aka just catching up with the time that will end in 2021.
Meanwhile, the Head of Audit for Papua and West Papua Provinces of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Budi Arwan, explained that the issue of revising the Special Autonomy Law, the Ministry of Home Affairs wants to not only discuss the issue of funds, but also about authority.
He also hopes that detailed input can be obtained from local government friends, therefore his party also asks the Governor, DPRD and MRP (Papuan People’s Council) to be able to provide input regarding what has been evaluated so far regarding the policy of Otsus in the future to be appointed. in the discussion of revision of Law 21.
The Ministry of Home Affairs also asks for input from all parties, whether official or not, informal and formal. This is sought as input for the Ministry of Home Affairs in the future.
Then regarding the Otsus fund that will end, of course, it is very important to create a law house. If not made, the impact that will occur will be tremendous for Papua and West Papua.
Moreover, so far it is said that the special autonomy funds from the law go directly to the Perdasus. This of course makes it difficult for the provincial, district / city governments.
In the future, this issue will be discussed in the effort to revise Otsus. In addition to improving government regulations starting from the aspects of use, planning, administration, and implementation, to monitoring and evaluation.
Therefore, the Ministry of Home Affairs will also conduct a comprehensive evaluation related to the Special Autonomy Law, including the expansion plan in Papua and West Papua Provinces in order to accelerate equitable development and cut the government’s range of control.
The positive impact of the Special Autonomy policy can actually be seen from the increase in HDI, where in Papua it increased from 6.29 points to 6.84 points, while in West Papua it increased from 55.1 points to 64.7 points. In addition, health facilities have also increased, the number of hospitals, health centers and doctors has increased.
Support for the Papua Special Autonomy Volume II also comes from the Governor of West Papua Dominggus Mandacan, his party has asked for the support of all parties to support the Papua Special Autonomy, which in the near future will be discussed by the central government together with the Provincial Governments of West Papua and Papua.
The governor also emphasized that there are two things that need to be done in terms of Special Autonomy Volume II apart from funding. First, giving greater authority to the Provincial Government in Tanah Papua in matters such as human resources and natural resources and secondly, involving other ministries of institutions (K / L).
Special Autonomy Volume II is one of the government’s efforts to improve the welfare of Indonesia, especially in Cenderawasih. We certainly deserve to support this because Otsus has become the motor of development for Papua and West Papua.
) * The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

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