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Law Creates Work to Restore National Economy


By: Ibrahim Al Hayyi (Chair of the Bandung City Regional Literacy Movement)

Efforts to improve the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law, supported by 44 Government Regulations (PP) and Presidential Regulations (Perpres) as their derivative regulations, are expected to be passed quickly this February. The derivative of the Job Creation Law must be completed immediately because it is urgent to implement it, especially during this pandemic situation.

The ratification and implementation of 44 derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law will later make the lives of Indonesian people better, especially when they are still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. When the national vaccination policy and the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations are implemented, the financial condition of the community is believed to be able to recover and improve slowly. Moreover, it is driven by the trust and confidence of investors and supported by a conducive business climate in the country.

Investors will invest a lot of capital and build labor-intensive factories in Indonesia so that they can absorb labor which will automatically reduce unemployment and poverty in the country. The community can also make ends meet without having to rely on the distribution of cash assistance from the government. The purchasing power of the people will also increase and strengthen, so that the products of local businessmen, especially the micro and small scale, can be sold again, which in the end will be able to move the economy back and save Indonesia from the threat of a second stage economic crisis.

The enormous effects and implications of the existence of the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations are also able to improve the standard of living of the Indonesian people, so that as good citizens, they are required to continue to support the process of drafting, ratifying, and implementing the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations. Moreover, the law is not just a rule on paper, but is actually effectively applied in the field through its derivative regulations.

2021 is an opportunity for Indonesia to make economic improvements. Therefore, the government’s efforts to improve economic conditions through the implementation of the Job Creation Law must be supported together. It is necessary to remember that the Job Creation Law is one of the solutions to save the economy during a pandemic and don’t forget to avoid hoaxes and provocative content around the Job Creation Law for the sake of national economic recovery

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