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Supporting Law Enforcement Against Papua KST


By: Moses Waker

KST is increasingly troubling the community because it has repeatedly caused riots in Papua. Therefore, the community supports the TNI/Polri to be maximal in enforcing the law against KST Papua.

KST has been hurting Papua for decades and they always have the same reason: wanting independence from Indonesia and longing for justice. To achieve its goals, KST took various means, ranging from spreading hoaxes on social media to blatant attacks on residential areas.

The attack that took place in the Kiwirok District is a heartbreaking tragedy. The death of one of the health workers (Nakes) after he saved himself from an attack and instead fell into the abyss, opened our eyes. That KST should be severely punished, because it always harms the community. Even though the health worker was on duty to heal the Papuan people, but instead his life was cruelly killed.

The Independent Social Media Activist Forum Community (FPMSI) provides support to the TNI and Polri (virtually) for fair law enforcement against KST. The goal is a peaceful and prosperous Papua, and when there is KST it is impossible for peace to exist. This declaration was attended by netizens, especially millennials, both in Papua and other regions.

FPMSI chairman Rusdil Fikri stated that the purpose of the virtual declaration was to invite Papuan people and political figures to support law enforcement against KST. In addition, the participation and active role of netizens can also be done, by uploading positive-sounding posts on social media.

The purpose of this upload is so that more and more people are aware that the government has given a lot for the development of Papua. The reason is because KST has been spreading provocations and hoaxes, so that people are afraid that they will be affected. Then turned against the government. In fact, the government has made so many facilities for Papua.

Therefore, law enforcement against KST should be enforced as high as possible, so that they will no longer disrupt peace in Papua. When they are declared a terrorist organization, they are subject to the Terrorist Act. Alias ​​when caught will be threatened with a minimum sentence of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years in prison, depending on how big the mistake is.

Even in very serious cases, such as attacks on police officers or terror that leads to murder, such as attacks on residents and health workers, KST members can be threatened with life imprisonment. The reason is because they committed very serious crimes, causing other people to die.

This punishment is considered commensurate with their actions, because they did commit an extraordinarily bad crime. It is hoped that with this confinement, KST members will realize their mistakes. In addition, other KST members are also expected to give up and surrender, so that their sentences can be much reduced, than when caught by the authorities.

When a KST member is caught by the Nemangkawi Task Force, it should not be seen as a violation of human rights, because they must be held accountable for their actions in prison. It is precisely KST that has violated human rights because it has always disturbed the community. So it is natural to be shaken and then judged, and get a punishment commensurate with his actions.

Law enforcement against KST members must be carried out as high as possible. The reason is because they have taken actions beyond the limits, by killing innocent civilians. Don’t let there be more victims because of KST’s actions. The arrests of KST members have been intensified by the Nemangkawi Task Force.

(The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo)

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