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Reunion 212 Doesn’t Get Public Sympathy


By: Abdul Razak)*

The 212 reunion was to be held again but was immediately rejected by the community. They were certainly against it because this event was pointless. In addition, currently it is still a pandemic, so a reunion that invites many people will violate health protocols.

There is no end to the Alumni Brotherhood (PA) 212 creating a sensation. After being made in 2016, there was only news about them, and the majority were negative. The reason is because they blaspheme the other party too often and criticize, but in practice it is zero, aka just talking out loud. Whereas in the current era what is needed is real steps, not just controversial words.

The public did not sympathize at all with the 212 Reunion plan, because they had already smelled the smell of politics in it. Indeed, the presidential election is still 3 years away but this activity is suspicious. He said it was just a reunion, why is there a tendency to corner the government and raise someone’s name in the upcoming presidential election?

According to history, the 212 movement started on November 4 and continued on December 2, 2016. At that time, the masses gathered at the National Monument, for the sake of a rotten political plan. So when there is a reunion (and indeed there is a reunion every year) it is always associated with politicization and provocation of community activities. Although PA 212 does not admit it.

People don’t like Reunion 212 because they blaspheme the government, and civilians are hurt because President Jokowi’s name is being carried around. Indeed, Indonesia is a democracy, but it is not permissible to attack the leader verbally, and disguise it in a reunion event.

The government has tried hard to restore Indonesia, especially in overcoming the impact of the pandemic. However, PA 212 always blames the government. Even though they did not make a real contribution, they could only blaspheme and blaspheme. Therefore, the community is antipathy to this reunion plan.

Because of that, Reunion 212 actually got ridiculed because it was considered useless. Why gather the masses and then eat together, with the excuse of conveying aspirations? After all, this reunion did not get support from various parties.

First, the manager of the National Monument (Monas) issued a statement that Monas was still closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So if the location is closed then why continue the reunion plan? In fact, it is possible that the reunion will be canceled as in 2020.

The DKI Jakarta government through the deputy governor Riza Patria also did not approve of Reunion 212. The reason is because it is still a pandemic period, so it is dangerous and can create new corona clusters. Don’t let Jakarta, where the PPKM level drops to level 1, rise to level 3, even 4, because of the 212 reunion.

The 212 reunion was also strongly opposed by epidemiologists, because of the mass gathering and the risk of corona transmission. The reason is because there is a potential violation of health protocols. The point in the process that was violated, the first, was the use of masks. When they gather, they will definitely take off their masks, to be recognized by other friends.

Even though removing a mask is very dangerous because it can cause the entry of droplets containing the Covid-19 virus. Moreover, in Indonesia, there is already a Delta variant of corona that can be transmitted only by passing OTG. Are the reunion participants not afraid if the majority of their friends are OTG status?

In addition, another potential violation of Prokes is the formation of crowds and the absence of social distancing. Reunion events are always full of confusion by the masses. This is a clear violation of health protocols. Don’t be angry if it’s finally dispersed by the apparatus and the COVID-19 task force team.

Just cancel the 212 reunion plan at Monas, because there is no support at all from the community. They are antipathy because PA 212 is political and always blasphemes against the government. In addition, in the reunion, there were also many Prokes violations.

)* The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Institute

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