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Beware of Covid-19 Transmission from Cities to Villages During Eid Momentum


By: Deka Prawira)*

The government has allowed people to go home during the 2022 Eid holiday. However, people are asked to be aware of the transmission of Covid-19 from cities to villages when going home by always obeying Prokes and following various government advice.

So far, it can be said that the Government has been very successful in controlling the transmission of Covid-19 in Indonesia so that the numbers continue to slant, even the latest policy that has been implemented, namely the Government has provided leeway for the community to return to their activities and also mobilize.

One thing that is being discussed a lot and getting a very positive response from the community is regarding the leeway that has been given by the Government to the community to travel back and forth for Lebaran 2022, because it has been about the last 2 years they have had to be forced to not be able to meet relatives in their hometown. due to the pandemic.

Even though the curve has been sloping, it doesn’t mean that we will simply become careless and completely neglect to protect ourselves by tightening health protocols and carrying out booster vaccinations for those who have not implemented it. In addition, there is an undeniable fact that the status of the pandemic is in fact not over yet, plus the risk of potential transmission will always exist.

Alexander Ginting, as the Head of the Health Handling Division of the Covid-19 Task Force, appealed to the public not to be careless and reminded that the true pandemic is still not over. For this reason, the implementation of health protocols must continue to be carried out, and on the other hand the Government will also continue to expand the range of vaccinations so that group immunity is immediately formed in various regions.

Some of these things are primarily aimed at preventing a spike in positive cases of Covid-19, especially after people travel for Lebaran homecoming. Because when we look in the mirror in previous years, where the curve had sloped, it turned out that when there was a long holiday in the community, the pandemic immediately spiked again.

Of course, the increase in the number of Covid-19 transmission was not expected by all parties. However, the potential risk is also quite large, especially if there will be transmission of cases from those who were previously in the city and then return to their hometown in the village. Instead, it will threaten our own relatives in the village.

Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin also expressed and appealed to the entire community to be more careful even though there was concessions from the Government. So that there is no transmission of the virus which may be carried by city people to villages, which actually results in a spike in cases in the village.

Maybe for us city dwellers who are used to doing activities and have been vaccinated so that the booster feels that we have been fine all this time, but we don’t know at all how the immune condition of our relatives in the village is. Especially for those groups who are vulnerable to infection such as the elderly, comorbid sufferers to children.

The public is expected to continue to be aware of the transmission of Covid-19 from cities to villages during the Lebaran 2022 homecoming momentum. Therefore, travelers are expected to always maintain the Health Procedures and follow the Government’s advice so that the spike in Covid-19 cases after the Lebaran holiday can be suppressed and the transition from pandemic to endemic can be immediate. implemented.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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