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Warganet Needs to Be Active in Countering Radicalism in Social Media


By: Zainudin )*

Radical ideology can appear anywhere, and can attack anyone, moreover, this understanding also uses social media to breathe radical ideas into citizens, in the hope of increasing the number of members. Internet users, of course, need to be vigilant and prioritize critical thinking when playing social media.

The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) stated that social media can be a tool to prevent and counteract radicalism, hoaxes and hate speech with SARA nuances. Because, the current digital era is able to open up opportunities for anyone to carry out all activities through digital media.

The Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Merdeka (Umer) Malang, Nawang Warsi, explained that social media can be used as a charity field because it invites goodness.

According to Nawang, many da’wah activities have now taken advantage of advances in digital technology. Preaching activities in the digital space are growing along with the number of social media applications. Nawang assessed that not a few preachers have now used digital media to carry out da’wah. Through the Youtube Chanel, they distribute recordings of their da’wah activities to social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and conversation applications.

Da’wah activities in the digital space, according to Nawang, are expected to be able to counter the negative impacts and bad influences on social media. These include content that violates decency, gambling, insults and defamation, spreading hoaxes, hate speech and hostility based on SARA.

Communication practitioner Ari Utami said that in the midst of the problems, there are many preachers who already have an exclusive, intolerant, and even radical social diversity paradigm and attitude. Of course, the Pancasila ideology must be the main reference.

Ari assessed that as the basis of the state philosophy or way of life of the Indonesian nation which was initiated by the founding fathers of the nation, Pancasila is final and must be a reference for the nation and state.

Radical movements are not new news, they have existed for a long time in Indonesia, such as the DI TII and NII rebellions in the early days of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

This is certainly proof that radicalism and terrorism have become a real threat to the peace and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, therefore radicalism and terrorism must be eradicated from the roots.

The use of social media also makes the radicalization process much more massive and faster. In the past, it took a long time for a teenager to have a significant role in a terror group. Those who are attracted to the teachings of violence may not necessarily meet the appropriate group.

The various discussion processes on social media certainly cannot be separated from the monitoring of radical groups. Those who are consistently involved in the discussion will be invited to a more exclusive group via the WhatsApp or Telegram application.

Parents certainly have an important role in supervising their children when they start to get engrossed in their gadgets. Don’t let the younger generation be vulnerable to being exposed to radical ideas because they are looking for their own references to religious knowledge.

This radical understanding comes with a soft narrative, this ideology targets people who are already too disappointed with the government or the democratic system in Indonesia that has been championed for a long time.

The purpose of this radical understanding is clear, namely the emergence of drastic changes to the establishment of a new state. To achieve this goal, radicals do not hesitate to use violent means, such as terrorizing houses of worship or intentionally injuring officials. In short, this radical understanding tolerates all forms of violence to achieve a goal.

If it is like this, of course it is clear that the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia must be sterile from radical understanding to its roots. Especially if this radical understanding continues to move to replace Pancasila with a religion-based ideology. Even though Pancasila has long been a state ideology that is able to unite Indonesian people of various ethnicities, nations and religions.

If the roots of radicalism are still left unchecked, the impact will be even more dangerous in the future. Hostility, intolerance to hatred among human beings can arise only because of differences.

Previously, the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) found that the current millennial generation is very vulnerable to become the main target for recruiting terrorist groups, because the millennial generation is active in using social media, it is very easy to access radical ideology.

The millennial generation who is often the target of exposure to radical ideas are teenagers aged 17 to 24 who are easily exposed to internet access. Then the impact, can build a lone wolf or attack alone which is the most likely action to occur in the future.

Especially when millennials are immersed in the fun of gadgets, where this group still has a tendency to love

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