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Governor of Bali Receives World Muslim League Visit: Affirms R20 Meeting Spirit of Harmonious Life for World Communities


DENPASAR – The Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster received a visit from the Secretary General of Rabithah ‘Alam Islami (World Muslim League), Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al Issa in Jayasabha, Denpasar on, Sunday, October 30, 2022.

On that occasion the Secretary General of Rabithah ‘Alam Islami (League of Muslim World), Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al Issa admitted that he was very impressed with Bali, the beauty of Bali is also reflected in the beauty of the beautiful carvings in Jayasabha. “I am also very happy to be accepted at Jayasabha’s residence. I felt a very peaceful atmosphere meeting the Governor of Bali. I have visited many places in the world, but did not find a sense of peace like in Bali.”

Muhammad also conveyed the implementation of the Religion 20 Meeting (R20), which is a meeting of religious leaders and leaders of the R20 countries which will take place in Bali on 2 – 3 November 2022. On this occasion, Muhammad asked the Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster to be present to give a speech at the event. gala dinner, November 2, 2022.

The R20 meeting was extraordinary, because it was attended by Islamic religious leaders and figures in the world as well as other religious leaders and figures. This is a very extraordinary and happy moment, because it can be carried out in Bali.

It is stated that the R20 Meeting will inspire all religious communities in the world, not only formalistic, normative meetings, but so that the results of this meeting can be realized in real life for the world community.

On that occasion, Governor Wayan Koster said he really supports and appreciates the R20 Meeting initiative in the context of the G20 Summit Meeting. “This is a very important meeting, which has a religious spiritual dimension, because leaders of religious communities around the world can gather in Bali, this is very relevant to the G20 Presidency material which will discuss 3 themes, namely: first, global health architecture; second, the acceleration of digital technology; and third, the clean energy transition.”

Governor Koster said that the material for the G20 Presidency Meeting is related to a scale-based policy that will become an agreement between G20 countries. Countries that are members of the G20 control 85% of the world’s economic power, which has a very large impact and has an impact on countries in the world. Therefore, the R20 Meeting which discusses harmony, tolerance, unity and unity, peace and humanity has a strong meaning and message in a Niscal manner. “This development should not only be interpreted as building the life of the worldly aspect, but also building the spiritual and spiritual life of the world community. While the G20 Presidency Meeting discusses material related to worldly interests and needs, the R20 Meeting discusses spiritual and spiritual material. .

Governor Koster hopes that the R20 Meeting will be a momentum to direct the New Era of the World Order, after the COVID-19 Pandemic. “According to local Balinese wisdom, the emergence of Gering Agung The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit almost all countries in the world, for more than 2 years, is a natural cycle, there will be a new era that will bring big changes that contain new spirits, new experiences, new knowledge. , new insights, and new opportunities as the New Era Life Order leads to the New Era World Civilization. The New Era’s World Order of Life, characterized by living in harmony with Nature; upholding human values, tolerance, brotherhood, justice, and a sense of togetherness in the association of the world community.

The Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster, really hopes that the R20 Meeting in Bali will exude the spirit of living in harmony with nature, peace, and humanity for the world community. Harmony, Peace, and Humanity from Bali to The World, this is the offering of the noble and noble spirit from Bali-Indonesia to the world,” said the Governor of Bali.

Therefore, the spirit of living in harmony with nature, peace, and human values, tolerance, harmony, unity should be formulated in the R20 Meeting so that it becomes a direction towards a New Era World Order, the spirit emerges from Bali-Indonesia for the world community. . Thus, in the future, the life of the world community will be in harmony with nature, full of peace, upholding human values ​​by promoting tolerance, harmony, unity, which becomes an ecosystem in various fields of life. (*).

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