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The government also plans to build AMN in various other cities


The government also plans to build Nusantara Student Dormitories (AMN) in Makassar and various other cities. This hostel is intended for students from all over Indonesia, who are studying in Makassar City and its surroundings. Likewise with AMN in other cities.

Based on Presidential Decree Number 106 of 2021, the Nusantara Student Dormitory is a place to unite students from various ethnic groups, languages, cultures and religions who come from various regions in Indonesia and from various tertiary institutions.

As stated in Presidential Decree No. 106 of 2021, AMN will be built in several areas including Makassar. The South Sulawesi Provincial Government (Pemprov Sulsel) has prepared a land area of up to two hectares.

Regional Secretary of South Sulawesi Province, Abdul Hayat Gani, said that for the construction of AMN in Makassar, the South Sulawesi Provincial Government has prepared the required documents.

“The AMN construction is already in progress, the documents (documents) have been prepared by the Asset Bureau and are ready to be followed up,” said Abdul Hayat Gani, in Baruga South Sulawesi Governor’s Office Lounge ,

The plan is for AMN in Makassar to be built on a land area of 20,000 square meters, located on Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 7, Tamalanrea Jaya Village, Tamalanrea District , Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province.

Secretary of the National Unity and Politics Agency ( Kesbangpol ) for South Sulawesi, Ansyar, added that for the construction of AMN it is planned to use an area of approximately two hectares.

“For the status of land use, if I’m not mistaken what was conveyed from the Asset Bureau was still the master certificate,” said Ansyar.

In realizing this AMN, the State Intelligence Agency is known to play a very important role. Not only that, regarding the management and development of students, BIN will also cooperate with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology . This is with the aim of creating the next generation of young people who are nationalistic, nationalist, have a sense of tolerance and can unite to build a much better Indonesia.

Previously, the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Budi Gunawan had revealed data findings that in fact there were still quite a number of students who were exposed to radical views, namely as many as 39 percent and spread to as many as 15 provinces throughout Indonesia.

Therefore, coaching by BIN at AMN is a very effective effort in realizing diversity care .

As it is known that AMN will later be built in several areas such as in Makassar, Minahasa, Jakarta, Malang, and Bantul (Yogyakarta).

AMN Surabaya was completed in May 2022 and is able to accommodate around 528 students, and is intended for students from various regions in Indonesia who are in Surabaya.

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