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Supporting the Active Role of the Campus Community Against Radicalism


By : Ashila Salsabila

Radicalism is the root of terrorism. Radicalism (in KBBI) is (1) an understanding or trend in politics, (2) an understanding or trend that wants social and political change or renewal by violent or drastic means, (3) an extreme attitude in politics. From a scientific perspective, the word radical (radix) which means ‘root’ or ‘takes root’ actually has a positive meaning, especially thinking radically and fundamentally (out of the box) to look for the substance of a problem in the context of science. However, if the word radical develops into -ism or understanding (radicalism), the connotation becomes negative. This will later have the potential to develop into terrorism, in other words radicalism is the embryo of terrorism. According to Law No. 5 of 2018, terrorism is an act that uses violence or threats of violence that creates an atmosphere of terror or widespread fear, which can cause mass casualties, and/or cause damage or destruction to strategic vital objects, the environment, public facilities, or international facilities with ideological, political or security disturbance motives. Radicalism is not only synonymous with certain religions (in the Indonesian context it is often associated with Islam), but can exist in any religion as long as it conflicts with state ideology. In the socio-political context, radicalism arises because of the politicization of religion or distorted understanding of religion by radical groups, poverty, social disappointment, and social inequality in the context of capitalism. which can cause mass casualties, and/or cause damage or destruction to strategic vital objects, the environment, public facilities, or international facilities with ideological, political, or security disturbance motives. Radicalism is not only synonymous with certain religions (in the Indonesian context it is often associated with Islam), but can exist in any religion as long as it conflicts with state ideology. In the socio-political context, radicalism arises because of the politicization of religion or distorted understanding of religion by radical groups, poverty, social disappointment, and social inequality in the context of capitalism. which can cause mass casualties, and/or cause damage or destruction to strategic vital objects, the environment, public facilities, or international facilities with ideological, political, or security disturbance motives. Radicalism is not only synonymous with certain religions (in the Indonesian context it is often associated with Islam), but can exist in any religion as long as it conflicts with state ideology. In the socio-political context, radicalism arises because of the politicization of religion or distorted understanding of religion by radical groups, poverty, social disappointment, and social inequality in the context of capitalism. or international facilities with ideological, political or security disturbance motives. Radicalism is not only synonymous with certain religions (in the Indonesian context it is often associated with Islam), but can exist in any religion as long as it conflicts with state ideology. In the socio-political context, radicalism arises because of the politicization of religion or distorted understanding of religion by radical groups, poverty, social disappointment, and social inequality in the context of capitalism. or international facilities with ideological, political or security disturbance motives. Radicalism is not only synonymous with certain religions (in the Indonesian context it is often associated with Islam), but can exist in any religion as long as it conflicts with state ideology. In the socio-political context, radicalism arises because of the politicization of religion or distorted understanding of religion by radical groups, poverty, social disappointment, and social inequality in the context of capitalism. 

Radicalism is considered a real threat to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Today students are considered very important in efforts to prevent the spread of this understanding. Students are also agents of change as well as the next generation of the nation. Thus, it is important for them to gain more understanding and insight into religious knowledge and state defense science. So that students can also help realize religious harmony and prioritize tolerance. In an effort to prevent the spread of radicalism and terrorism, students are involved because, they are also considered to be able to ward off the symptoms of radicalism and terrorism with intellectuals who have radicalism and terrorism ideas that are difficult to prevent or stop. So, to overcome this, we must jointly prevent the emergence of this understanding.

This was reinforced by a statement from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, before the forum of rectors throughout Indonesia. During this activity, President Jokowi warned about the threats and dangers of radicalism in educational institutions. The Head of State reminded campus leaders to actively monitor all student activities so that they are not exposed to radical views. The threat of radicalism was also expressly expressed by the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) and several survey institutions such as Alvara Research and the SETARA Institute which found cases of intolerance and SARA issues on several campuses. Intolerance is a seed that can grow radicalism in society.

After the President’s statement at the open forum, universities in various regions in Indonesia conducted a review and tried to provide students with an understanding of the impact of radicalism. As happened on the campus of the Indonesian National Islamic University (UNIKI) Bireun, Aceh – Banda Aceh. Prof. Dr. Apridar SE MSi as the Chancellor of the campus said that the campus is filled with groups of knowledgeable people who have the goal of being community lights. However, according to him, the campus is very vulnerable to being used by a group of people to fight for their own or their group’s ideology. The Chancellor of UNIKI always urges his students to always be aware and introspective of the possibility of spreading deviant teachings by actively providing knowledge about defending the country, unity in diversity, UUD and suppress the values ​​of Pancasila. Because according to him, radicalism is an ideology or flow that wants to change an ideology to its roots by coercion. And we all don’t want that to happen because it could destabilize Indonesia’s security.

Support for anti-radicalism also occurs in the NTT area. This was raised in the  FKUB  Entering  Campus Seminar , Monday (28/11/2022) on the Kupang Muhammadyah University campus. Rev. Dr. Ira Mangililo, permanent postgraduate lecturer at UKAW (Artha Wacana Christian University) Kupang, from a Protestant Christian point of view, views moderation on various issues regarding pluralism and radicalization.

The seminar said that the targets of radicalism are young people. Students are also a group that has a high curiosity so they are vulnerable. On the other hand, in various studies, women are a group that is very vulnerable to radicalism, especially those aged 17 to 18 years. Christianity itself faces radicalism in accordance with the teachings in the holy book, namely that humans are Imagodei, that humans are created in the same image and are similar to the creator and God blesses diversity. For this reason, it is recommended that the younger generation build a dialogue with religious leaders and not be satisfied with information on social media.

Dr. Ahmad Atang, a lecturer at the Muhammadyah University of Kupang, who examined moderation from an Islamic point of view, said that the basis of moderation is plurality and heterogeneity. Religious moderation  for Muslims is important and Islam guarantees freedom of religion. It was stated that the Medina Charter became a charter on freedom of religion that different religions must live side by side. The doctrine of moderation in Islam, he said, is a balanced religious attitude and respect for the freedom of religion for others. For this reason, moderation must be developed while remaining tolerant of other religions.

Father Gerardus Duka, Pr, in his view of the Catholic religion, acknowledged that religious moderation is needed because diversity is important. Father Gerardus also reminded that it is necessary to build moderation so that the use of social media brings good messages. While Puguh Sadadi, SSos, MA, PhD, from BIN for the  NTT region stated that moderation is a middle way that needs to be implemented in overcoming existing problems and differences. Apart from that, this UI permanent lecturer also explained a number of phenomena that emerged as part of radicalization and prevention efforts that needed to be taken. Meanwhile Dr. Harun Natonis, Chancellor of IAKN Kupang emphasized that moderation had been implemented starting from the campus. He gave an example, even though IAKN is a Christian campus, the lecturers are from various religions. It was stated that diversity on campus and society had been built while respecting existing differences and maintaining harmony. The seminar, which was guided by Dr. Elcid Lie, received appreciation from dozens of participants and a number of participants also conveyed their responses regarding the presentation of the material from the resource persons.

*) the author is a lecturer at ISBI East Kalimantan

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