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Pelita Harapan University Lecturer, Emrus Sihombing: The Job Creation Law Can Facilitate Licensing for New Business Actors


Pelita Harapan University Postgraduate Lecturer, Emrus Sihombing assesses, When viewed carefully, the contents of the Job Creation Law are full of ease of business licensing, so that opportunities arise and the development of the number and various fields of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises known as MSMEs.

“The bureaucratic procedures and flow of establishing a business field are very, very simple. The establishment of a Limited Company (PT), for example, can only be done by one person or referred to as an “Individual PT”. In addition, the number of members forming cooperatives as a business sector for advancing the people’s economy has been greatly reduced, not as much as before the birth of this Job Creation Law. MSME capital assistance from the government is one of the main focuses in the Job Creation Law,” he said.

Even with the existence of the Job Creation Law, the business climate in the country is in favor of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Business

It could be that there are certain articles in a law that do not fulfill the interests of a group of people or a certain social actor. Therefore, every law made by the state is difficult to fulfill all the wishes/desires of every individual, let alone those social/political actors. position themselves to always agree to disagree with government programs and or ideas and or policies.

“As a positive legal reality in our country, the Job Creation Law, in my opinion, as I have also conveyed in the mainstream media in this country, the Job Creation Law is able to build new optimism in Indonesia’s significant employment and economic growth. going forward, of course since the Job Creation Law was actually implemented without significant disruption. Even better, this law is also able to build legal certainty, including imposing measurable sanctions,” said Emrus Sihombing to the media in Jakarta, Wednesday (1/3).

Micro is able to develop into Small Business.

“Meanwhile, small businesses are moving into medium-sized businesses, which in turn, medium-sized businesses are advancing into big businesses. As a result of this, new Micro Enterprises have sprung up. And so on,” he added.

The consequence of the development of changing business levels from Micro Enterprises to Big Businesses in various business fields, is not only being able to absorb more workers in various fields of skills and talents, but also being able to create new jobs. It can even be predicted that Indonesia will have a shortage of manpower if all components of the nation support and implement the Job Creation Law, compared to before the Job Creation Law. Implementation of the Job Creation Law can have an impact on Indonesia experiencing a shortage of workers in all fields and levels of business/business, one of the reasons is the migration of Indonesian citizens from applicants or workers to recipients of workers or business owners/entrepreneurs. It’s very realistic.

In addition, an increase in the number and fields of business is ensured to be able to build interrelated and integrated business collaborations between Big Businesses, Medium Enterprises, Small Enterprises and Micro Enterprises. Downstreaming of business fields in all sectors will naturally occur in an accelerating manner (acceleration). Thus, the per capita income of all Indonesian people will continue to increase from year to year. Therefore, in my opinion, it is no exaggeration for Indonesia to become one of the world’s extraordinary economic powers in 2035.

The government’s seriousness regarding the Job Creation Law in favor of socio-economic welfare for all Indonesian people can be seen in the contents of government regulations (PP) and presidential regulations (Perpers) as derivative regulations. A number of these PPs and Presidential Regulations were prepared by taking into account, accepting and considering all the aspirations of the Indonesian people in at least 11 main areas in the Job Creation Law, namely: (1) Improving the Investment Ecosystem and Business Activities; (2) Business Licensing; (3) Employment; (4) Ease, Protection and Empowerment of Cooperatives and MSMEs; (5) Ease of Doing Business; (6) Research and Innovation Support; (7) Land Procurement; (8) Economic Zones; (9) Central Government Investment and Acceleration of National Strategic Projects; (10) Government Administration; and (11) Guidance and Supervision and Imposition of Sanctions. All contents of the PP and Perpres are oriented towards the socio-economic welfare of the Indonesian people.

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