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Hostage of Pilot Susi Air Hampers Development and Progress of Earth of Cenderawasih


Papua – The act of fatalism that KST Papua has committed against the Susi Air pilot has clearly hampered the pace of development and also the progress that has been going well so far on Earth of Cenderawasih.

New Zealand national Susi Air pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens has been held hostage by the Papua Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) since February 7 2023. Philip was taken hostage after the Susi Air Pilatus Porter PC 6/PK-BVY plane was set on fire by KST led by Egianus Kogoya at the Paro District airfield at around 06.35 WIT.
Until now, the security forces consisting of joint personnel from the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) are continuing to make various efforts to rescue the victims.

Not only that, various patterns of negotiation have also been carried out through various approaches, one of which is through the Nduga Regency Government (Pemkab), traditional leaders, community leaders, religious leaders continue to communicate and request that Egianus Kogoya immediately return their hostage, namely Philip Mark Mehrtens .

For information, it turns out that the Susi Air pilot was not the first person to be taken hostage by KST Papua. At least, the data shows that there have been around 3 (three) other hostage-taking cases that have also been carried out by KST Papua. This has been done since 1996, when a group of wildlife researchers consisting of 26 people, 4 (four) British and 2 (two) Dutch people were kidnapped in the Mapenduma area, Nduga, Papua.

Then in 2015, KST Papua again arrested 2 (two) construction workers. Furthermore, in 2017 KST Papua occupied several villages and threatened to disrupt operations near the Grasberg copper mine in Mimika, Central Papua.

The chairman of the Jayapura Regency Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), Albert Yoku, in a discussion program on a private television station, said that if the Susi Air pilot took hostage, many other pilots could not fly and disrupted services for the Papuan Highlands community. then of course it would be a tremendous setback.

It cannot be denied because according to him, the pilots themselves are people who have a very big service because they are willing to leave their families and are ready to accept all the risks in the Papua region. Therefore, according to Albert Yoku, it is important that traditional leaders can talk about the death of developments in Papua as a result of this case.

Furthermore, he stated that the role of religious leaders and traditional leaders is also important, they can continue to take a persuasive approach to appeal to and remind all of Egianus Kogoya’s subordinates because so far what they have done has been a form of fatalism towards change and development. which has been happening in Papua Mountains.

According to Albert Yoku, they usually carry out mediation and negotiation efforts based on local wisdom involving the role of regional leaders such as the Regent together with religious leaders, traditional community organizations to the Government to continue to play a role in efforts to release the Susi Air pilot using a local approach. wisdom.

The local wisdom approach , which uses language, culture and other approaches, is very effective because they have a close personal and emotional relationship with all the conditions that exist in the Papuan Mountains, both in terms of faith, religion and cultural law as well. prevailing custom.

In the same vein, Political Observer, Ikrar Nusa Bhakti also stated that indeed peace in the Land of Papua is very important and must continue to be pursued. Because it is not only related to the local people, not only related to the Indonesian people, but also even related to the international community because of the large number of investments in Papua. So far, the development of civilization and progress has been fairly well established in Papua to the Papua Highlands, but with the Susi Air pilot hostage case by KST Papua, this has actually become an obstacle to the entire development process in Cenderawasih Earth.

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