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The Job Creation Perppu is a strategic solution that side with the people


Jakarta – Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation (Ciptaker) is a very strategic solution and a fast and precise step that is very pro-people’s welfare. This policy will make this nation much more prepared and able to anticipate all the emergencies that occur.

The issuance of the Job Creation Perppu continues to be the subject of public discussion. It cannot be denied that in fact the issuance of this regulation is the authority of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo because indeed Indonesia is facing a compelling crisis, so that indeed it can become a constitutional reason for the issuance of the Perppu Cipta Kerja.

The full authority possessed by President Jokowi to issue Perppu Cipta Kerja has been regulated in Article 22 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which states that indeed in matters of compelling urgency, the President has the right to establish a Perppu.

Not only in the 1945 Constitution, but this was also reaffirmed in Article 1 number 4 of Law (UU) Number 12 of 2011 as amended by Law Number 15 of 2019 and finally amended by Law Number 13 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to the Law -Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning Formation of Legislation.

Meanwhile, in the context of the issuance of the Perppu on Job Creation, it is very clear that there is an urgent situation, namely this was caused by the Decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) Number 91/PUU-XVII/2020 which states that Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation has a conditionally unconstitutional status and order the formation of a law to make improvements within a maximum period of 2 (two) years from the pronouncement of the decision and if it is not corrected immediately, then the policy is declared permanently unconstitutional.

Of course, if the Job Creation Law is declared permanently unconstitutional, the Government must also suspend all actions or policies that are strategic in nature and have broad impacts and this will of course be very detrimental to the Indonesian people.

For this reason, it cannot be denied that the issuance of the Job Creation Perppu is a solution that brings many benefits to the people of the country. According to Political Observer, Emrus Sihombing in a discussion event held by the Moya Institute some time ago, he stressed that all the content in the policy had indeed sided with the people.

He added, not only in favor of the people, but in it will certainly open up more and more quality job opportunities, including later it will enable the Indonesian people not to have to look for work again abroad. In fact, according to him, it is not impossible that this nation will absorb more and more workers from abroad.

All of this is due to the concentration of the Government of Indonesia itself through the issuance of the Job Creation Perppu, which has made it easier to obtain all permits, which so far have been considered to be very complicated. So that people who want to set up a business are included in the licensing of individual limited companies (PT) and MSMEs so that other things become easier.

Meanwhile, Professor of Business Law at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Prof. Nindyo Pramono considers that the formation of the Job Creation Perppu carried out by President Jokowi is a very appropriate decision because if Indonesia tries to deal with global uncertainties, using the conventional issuance of a large number of laws, it will certainly take a very long time.

Therefore, the Government then used the Omnibus Law formulation and also used the Perppu issuance as a fast and precise step. For information, Prof. Nindyo himself explained that in fact with regard to the old Job Creation Law there was absolutely no problem with its substance, but only with procedural issues.

On the same occasion, the Deputy Minister of Manpower (Wamenaker RI), Afriansyah Noor stated that the purpose of the Job Creation Perppu is to be able to guarantee that all Indonesian people can get rewards and fair and proper treatment in work relations.

With all the benefits that can be obtained after the publication of the Job Creation Perppu, according to the Deputy Manpower, follow-up is needed such as outreach and discussions with all stakeholders, entrepreneurs, academics, students and so on. With a lot of socialization, more and more people will know that the substance and benefits of the Job Creation Perppu are numerous and also very much in favor of the welfare of the people themselves. This policy is a very strategic solution as a quick and precise step to deal with all challenges and emergencies.

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