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Supporting Infrastructure for the ASEAN Summit is Ensured to be Completed on Time


The 2023 ASEAN Summit will be held in Labuan Bajo, NTT. As the organizer, the government is perfecting the infrastructure in NTT and its surroundings. Supporting infrastructure is ensured to be completed on time so that when the event starts it is 100% complete.

Indonesia will become Chair of ASEAN in 2023. This position is appreciated by the public because it can advance the economy, both in the ASEAN region and throughout Indonesia. The people hope that by becoming Chair of ASEAN, Indonesia’s financial situation will be even better after 3 years of being hit by a pandemic.

As chair of ASEAN, the 2023 Summit will be held in Indonesia, precisely in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara. Preparations are being made so that the 2023 ASEAN Summit will run smoothly, including the infrastructure.

The ASEAN Summit will be held in the Tana Mori Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Labuan Bajo. The infrastructure that is being built to support this event is the construction of a round about Beach Club, wharf shelters, landscaping and installation of geomats on the Tana Mori road corridor, helipads, and construction of a parking lot with a capacity of 100 cars .

President Joko Widodo together with the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono reviewed the readiness of Labuan Bajo to become the location for the ASEAN Summit (Summit) earlier this week. The PUPR Ministry ensures that all supporting infrastructure for the event which will be held in May 2023 will be completed next month.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said, the construction of the 25-kilometer Labuan Bajo-Tanamori access includes the Labuan Bajo-Simpang Nalis-

Simpang Kenari-Tanamori Road and 4 bridges with a total length of 175 meters. The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is completing the construction of the Labuan Bajo – Tanamori access in West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, in order to support the 2023 ASEAN Summit.

The PUPR Ministry is also completing the construction of the Manggarai Police Command Headquarters, landscaping the Labuan Bajo road corridor, and connecting promenade work in the Waterfront Marina Area zone 4. The Waterfront Marina area is planned to have 5 zones namely Zone 1 Bukit Pramuka, Zone 2 Kampung Air, Zone 3 Pier, Zone 4 of the Marina Beach (Inaya Bay) area, Zone 5 of Kampung Ujung and was inaugurated by President Jokowi in July 2022.

The Ministry of PUPR is also building a Munting Child Reservoir between the Labuan Bajo Access Road to Golo Mori, Komodo District with a capacity of 159,481.10 m3 and an inundation area of ​​4.5 hectares. The construction of the reservoir has the main function of conservation and supporting tourism in the Labuan Bajo Super Priority Tourism Destination (DPSP) in the framework of the 2023 ASEAN Summit.

Director General of Cipta Karya Diana Kusumastuti stated that her party plans to finish everything in mid-April or at least at the end of April 2023. In this sense, infrastructure preparations are very mature. With the infrastructure built, it will facilitate mobility during the 2023 ASEAN Summit.

These infrastructures will be completed on time and the public will not have to worry about stalled projects, even though the ASEAN Summit has already started. Workers under the command of the PUPR Ministry are working hard to complete roads and other infrastructure. The road will be built and the result will be smooth, so that the name of Indonesia will be proud.

So far, infrastructure must be prioritized when there are international events held in Indonesia. Especially at the 2023 ASEAN Summit. Even though the level is only in the Southeast Asia region, the guests who come are international class. In addition, this event will be covered by various media from around the world so that it will continue to popularize Indonesia in the eyes of international netizens.

Apart from the 2023 ASEAN Summit, infrastructure will be very useful for the people of Labuan Bajo and its surroundings. They can pass through nice and smooth paved roads, making their daily mobility easier. Infrastructure development will be useful for the long term.

Meanwhile, ASEAN (Association of South East Asia Nation) is an economic and political union of 10 countries in Southeast Asia which was established on August 8, 1967 in Thailand. Indonesia is an active member of ASEAN, apart from Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore and Timor Leste. The ASEAN Summit is their meeting place to discuss economics and politics.

By hosting the 2023 ASEAN Summit, guests from Thailand, Malaysia and other countries will be fascinated by the nature of Labuan Bajo. They are also amazed by the good infrastructure. Even though the Summit was not held in

Java or Bali, the facilities and infrastructure were strong and complete.

The 2023 ASEAN Summit will be held in Labuan Bajo, NTT. Preparations continue to be made, especially the construction of infrastructure. All infrastructure development projects are guaranteed on time so they can be used when the ASEAN Summit takes place. Apart from that, the residents of Labuan Bajo and its surroundings can also use infrastructure to facilitate their mobility, so that they greatly benefit from the Summit.

)* The author is a Vimedia Pratama Institute Contributor

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