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KST Shooting Papuans Must Be Eradicated


By : Alfred Jigibalom )* 

The Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) is an annoying separatist organization, because it insists on independence. They don’t seem to know how to thank them, but instead accuse the Indonesian government of colonizing Papua. The KST rebellion was carried out by shooting motorcycle taxi drivers in Ilaga, causing casualties. KST should have been eradicated so that there are no more victims of further attacks.

One of the chronic problems in Papua is KST, which together with the Free Papua Organization (OPM) is spreading terror in paradise. KST still wants to defect and do everything possible to achieve its ambitions, including by means of violence.

On March 22, 2023 at 10.00 WIT, a shooting was carried out by KST against a motorcycle taxi driver named Iwan and he lost his life. Iwan’s body has been buried at the Al Ikhlas Ilaga Mosque.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, confirmed that the victim of the KST shooting was a motorcycle taxi driver. Iwan is a migrant resident and his body will be taken to his hometown in South Sulawesi. This fatal shooting occurred at the junction of Jalan Kimak, Kampung Kimak, Ilaga District, Puncak Regency, Central Papua.

The incident occurred when the victim was waiting for passengers who were going to Ilaga City, Ilaga District. At that time, there were 2 unknown people who were suspected of being members of the KKB approached the victim and one of them was carrying a pistol type firearm.

Not long after that the victim was shot in the front of the chest. Meanwhile, the apparatus who received a report on the incident immediately went to the scene and saw the victim lying in a critical condition.

The victim Iwan was then rushed to Ilaga Hospital and immediately received medical treatment by doctor Etinus Kogoya. However, the victim was declared dead from a gunshot wound to the right chest.

The Papuan people criticized the KST atrocity because this shooting was not the first time. They always reasoned that the motorcycle taxi driver was a spy for the authorities, so they had to be shot. Even though Iwan was just an ordinary civilian, he was always subject to cruel slander and lost his life.

Moreover, the victim of the KST shooting was a migrant resident and this case could widen and create a distance between indigenous Papuans and migrants. The public is urged to remain calm and not be provoked by KST. Immigrants are good people and they make a living in Papua, and when you become a victim of KST, don’t let it go.

Therefore the Papuan people are asked to support the eradication of KST. If possible, they will be given firm, measured measures so that they can be completely annihilated from the Earth of Cendrawasih. KST has gone too far by shooting and killing innocent civilians.

Meanwhile, the Cartenz Peaceful Task Force as a team specially formed to eradicate KST is increasingly diligent in conducting patrols. They usually patrol Puncak District, because it is still prone to conflict there. The community must be guarded against KST attacks that can cause injuries, even fatalities.

To expedite the action, KST carried out terror in various ways. Starting from burning schools, attacking settlements, even worse they killed civilians, security forces, to teachers and health workers. It is very sad because they are attacking those who have contributed greatly to the people of Papua.

Therefore KST must be eradicated so as not to carry out further attacks. Don’t let the situation become complicated because of the attacks and incitement, and hostilities between residents spark. Even a provocation can trigger a dangerous tribal war.

The Papuan people must support the TNI and Polri in the context of eradicating KST. If there are officers then civilians will be safe. They are aware that the security forces are friends of the people and have been deployed to Papua to eradicate KST.

The Forum Community of Independent Social Media Activists (FPMSI) provides support to the TNI and Polri (virtually) for fair law enforcement against KST. The goal is a peaceful and prosperous Papua, and when there is a KST it is impossible for there to be peace. This declaration was attended by netizens, especially millennials, both in Papua and other regions.

FPMSI chairman Rusdil Fikri stated that the purpose of the virtual declaration was to invite the Papuan community and political figures to support law enforcement against KST. Apart from that, the participation and active role of netizens can also be carried out by uploading positive posts on social media. 

KST eradication is supported both in person and virtually. This indicates that this separatist group is dangerous and must be eradicated, so that the people of Papua are safe from further attacks.

KST must be eradicated because it is increasingly cruel and shoots to the death of its victims. They attack without reason and always accuse their victims of being spies, even though they are just ordinary citizens. The eradication of KST is the main agenda of TNI and Polri members assigned to Papua.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bali 

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