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Youth Involvement in the 2024 Election Determines the Direction of the Nation


The involvement of millennial or youth voters in the democratic election event in 2024 is indeed very important because they will be able to participate in determining the direction of the nation going forward .

The General Election (Election), which will also be held in the near future, namely in 2024, is something that Indonesia really has to do. How could I not , because the continuity of elections is crucial and very important for the country.

The importance of holding elections itself is because Indonesia has a democratic political system, which requires that in every process of administering its government, there are several pillars which are prerequisites for the establishment of a democratic system.

Meanwhile, one of the absolute prerequisites to be able to assess whether a country is actually implementing a democratic system or not, and also to assess how the index of democracy in a country is by holding free and periodic general elections.

On the other hand , by holding elections , this will benefit the people, because the people are able to have the authority to elect their representatives and political leaders directly as what is really needed by the people.

So, it is very clear that the participation of all elements of society in Indonesia in contributing to the success of the 2024 Election democracy party is very important to be able to continue to push forward the progress of democratization in the country.

Sovereignty of the people in a country that adheres to a democratic system is located in a high position, whereas to be able to fulfill this sovereignty, indeed one of the procedures itself is by holding elections.

Therefore, people who already have the right to vote and can conduct direct general elections should be able to attend without reducing their voting rights at all, especially for young people in Indonesia. Because the votes or voting rights they have really determine the direction of the nation in the future through the General Election, of course.

Data shows that previously, the turnout rate of voters when the 2019 election was held was around 90 percent, while the voter turnout rate in the 2020 Pilkada was around 70 percent because it was held in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the General Election Supervisory Board ( Bawaslu ) of Bangkalan Regency , Ahmad Mustain Saleh explained that the role that the millennial generation or youth have in any changes that will occur in this country is very important .

The reason is, according to him, there have been many major events related to this nation and show how real actions are taken by youth for the progress of the nation.

Reflecting on the many concrete actions, he hopes that the youth will be able to take real action again , especially millennial voters in the 2024 general election . .

The role of youth in continuing to oversee the existence of democracy in Indonesia through holding elections is so that millennial voters are able to actively participate in monitoring and also be active in enlivening all election events, as a form of manifestation of existing people’s sovereignty.

Ahmad Mustaiin then believes that collaborative work that occurs between voters, then the election organizers to various other related stakeholders is a key to the success of holding the 2024 Election democratic party.

The enthusiasm possessed by millennial voters will indeed have a very positive impact on the sustainability of this nation going forward. The role of these youths is not even just being a voter and conducting elections, but they are also expected to be able to criticize about how the election itself is held, which means that their understanding is not limited to merely holding elections, but they have a far-reaching understanding. more specifically and more broadly regarding the 2024 Election.

It is known that indeed the ideal participation of the community, including youth in Indonesia in participating in determining government policies which is part of the community’s control over policies , is when they can actively participate in political life by electing state leaders, because this indicates that they are directly or indirectly influence government policies and will be able to determine the direction of this nation in the future.

)* The author is a student of Social and Political Sciences , Airlangga University

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