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The Actions of KST Papua Are Increasingly Brutal, Must Be Eradicated!!!


By : Timothy Gobay )*

KST’s actions were increasingly brutal and claimed lives. An officer became a victim of KST violence. The community criticized this action because it would harm many people and cause prolonged terror in Papua. KST must be eradicated so that Papuans can move freely.

The Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) is a group that is an accomplice of the Free Papua Organization (OPM). They served in the field to complete defection missions and form the Federal Republic of West Papua. The public hates the KST because it often commits acts of violence and harms civilians. 

One of the incidents that made the public angry was when KST bravely fought the authorities until it again claimed lives. One TNI soldier died on duty during a shootout with KST. In this tragic event a TNI soldier named Pratu Hamdan became a victim. He served in the District of Yal, Nduga, Papua Mountains and lost his life due to the violence of KST.

The community condemned the violence perpetrated by KST. After all, this is not the first incident. Since the beginning of 2023, KST has often taken action to disturb the public. On March 25, 2023, KST Papua opened fire on members of the Indonesian National Armed Forces and Police who were on duty at guarding worship and conducted gunfire at night. As a result, three officers were injured and two officers died.

Apart from that, KST also took action in Yugumuak District, Central Papua on March 3, 2023. At that time, one resident was shot by KST. Then TNI soldiers helped to evacuate the residents to be taken to the puskesmas. On the way, the TNI group was attacked by KST and there was a shootout which eventually killed one TNI soldier and killed one civilian.

The community criticized KST for carrying out successive shootings, Jayapura Regency Youth Leader Nelson Ondi was furious with KST’s actions which are still happening today. KST’s actions should be responded with firm action by the government. Without it, members of the separatist group will always carry out their actions.

Nelson Ondi’s firm statement followed the endless actions carried out by the separatist gang in the area. KST attacked motorcycle taxi drivers who were seen as spies, also set fire to the school building so that the students lost their place to study. Apart from that they also attacked residents and robbed their stalls. There are too many KST crimes to mention one by one. Therefore, many parties agree that firm action will be taken against the separatist group.

Nelson continued, the KST atrocities should also be met with firm action by the government. That way, KST will stop its action even if it has to be slowly.

Various efforts have been made by the government to counter the KST action, namely by increasing the strength of soldiers, approaching community leaders, cutting off KST logistics, welfare-oriented development to controlling the KST base, especially Nduga. Most recently, the joint TNI/Polri apparatus managed to arrest a KST member named Yomison Murib.

Meanwhile, DPR RI member Dave Laksono stated that KST must be dealt with firmly and measuredly. The reason is because they commit brutal crimes and harm society. The terror carried out by KST violated human rights and hindered social development in Papua.

To protect citizens from KST attacks, the rebel group must be dealt with firmly. The reason is, they have committed serious cases, such as theft and mass murder. If a KST member is caught, it is mandatory to be tried and receive the most severe punishment as a deterrent effect.

Civilians in Bumi Cendrawasih support KST’s arrest because they are tired of the various terrors perpetrated by the separatist group. Apart from physical terror, there is also mental terror, both in the real world and in cyberspace. 

KST eradication continues to be carried out, the aim is so that the Papuan people can live their lives safely without terror. Public safety must come first. Don’t let them become victims during the attack or get hit by stray bullets. Therefore, if there is a plan to increase TNI personnel in Papua, the people will agree to it, because the military is a friend of the people.

Firm action against KST needs to be taken, in addition to giving the most severe punishment. The TNI and Polri as security forces are also allowed to act decisively against KST if there are conflicts in vulnerable areas. In fact, they are also allowed to take measured decisive action when dealing directly with KST members.

Measurable decisive action was taken because when dealing with KST members, they couldn’t be caught with their bare hands. The reason is because they use firearms and must be fought with firearms as well. If not, then the life of the apparatus will actually be endangered, so that measured decisive action may be taken without violating procedures.

KST must be eradicated so as not to endanger Papuans and security forces on guard. Their attacks are getting outrageous and there should be no additional casualties. All Papuan people support the eradication of KST so that they can be disbanded and eradicated from its roots.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

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