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KST Papua Shoots Civil Planes, Security Forces Standby to Control Regional Conduciveness


By : Viktor Awoitauw )*

KST Papua has turned out to be back at it by continuing to carry out terror and acts of violence against civil society. Recently they shot down a civilian plane in Beoga. However, thanks to the hard work of the security forces who were immediately on standby, they managed to return to controlling conduciveness in the area.

A civilian aircraft belonging to the Asian One airline type Caravan was fired upon by the Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) at Beoga Airport, Milawak Village, Beoga District, Puncak Regency, Central Papua. It is known that the plane was fired on when it was about to make a landing.

Regarding the incident, Danrem 173/Praja Vira Braja, Brigadier General Sri Widodo said that the incident was first known to the authorities at the scene when they heard gunshots from the end of the airport at a distance of about 604 meters. At that time the Asian One aircraft with flight number PK-LTF was about to land, Friday April 14 today at around 06.30 WIT.

He continued, that after hearing gunshots, the Pamtas Mobile Yonif R 303/SSM Kostrad task force, led by Serda Ritonga, immediately braked the post. not only that, they then immediately carried out securing the airport perimeter (airport).

After braking and securing, then the officers in the field immediately gave chase in the direction of the sound of the shot. Not only that, the security forces then also secured the pilot of the Asian One PK-LTF Cap Jonatan.

With rescue efforts carried out as soon as possible so that similar incidents do not occur such as the Susi Air planes, in which KST Papua took the captain hostage, Brigadier General Sri added that his party managed to secure the pilot.

When carrying out further checks, it turned out that the security forces later found that there were as many as 2 (two) shot holes on the fuselage on the left side or cargo storage area.

Brigadier General Sri emphasized that now the TNI-Polri security forces were on alert 1 in the Beoga District. In order to prevent further security disturbances carried out by the KKB to the community. According to him, until now the security situation at the airport and also in the Beoga District as a whole has been successfully controlled.

Also included, the security forces consisting of joint personnel from the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) have succeeded in repelling KST Papua to go to a more distant place so as not to cause another disturbance. and has the potential to again threaten order in the region.

KST Papua continues to carry out cruel acts, which makes them fall into the category of terrorist groups. Then, University of Indonesia (UI) Terrorism Observer, Ridwan Habib explained that in accordance with the definition of terrorists contained in Law (UU) Number 5 of 2018 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism, the Papuan separatist group has entered the terrorist group.

How could it not be, because they have caused a lot of fear, including continuing to carry out acts of violence, and all of this is based on a certain political ideology that they have, namely the freedom of Papua.

However, continued Ridlwan, handling it is not as easy as with the Terrorism Law, because it requires a long time. Because the roots are not just ordinary terrorism or ordinary violence, but there are elements of separatism, foreign intervention, weapons from outside, money and individuals who take advantage of the situation from the circulation of illegal weapons. In addition, there are many other factors such as the economy and internal politics among themselves.

In eradicating the entire Papua KST so that peace can be restored on Cenderawasih Earth, he appealed to all people to continue to give enthusiasm to the task force team and also the security forces who continue to work hard in Papua to be able to solve various kinds of problems which are indeed very serious regarding KST Papua.

The reason is, indeed according to the study, to be able to resolve the entire security situation in Papua is not an easy matter. So far, the approach used by the TNI Commander is to use a soft approach, which it is hoped that this approach will be able to solve the problem down to its roots.

Ridwan explained, hard handling such as raids and arrests might in a short time be able to reduce but not complete the main points, which would later be continued by his friends, children, relatives and so on. However, measurable firm action needs to be taken.

According to him, currently the efforts of the government and security forces have been going well in carrying out intelligence operations against many traditional leaders, religious leaders, and youth leaders in Papua. the government even continues to work, not just silence KST Papua and continue to carry out the existing legal process.

Conduciveness in the Boega area was again immediately brought under control by the security forces thanks to their hard work, which was very swift and alert to immediately tighten security after the KST Papua shot at a civilian airplane in Beoga.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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