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Joint Commitment to Build and Prosper the Land of Papua


The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has a very high commitment , and also together this commitment and real work must be carried out together to continue to achieve accelerated development and also to achieve increased welfare for all people in the Land of Papua. Because it is not easy so it is impossible for one party to do it alone .

Even though there are indeed many challenges and disturbances that continue to confront, the spirit of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) has never completely died down in its efforts to continue to improve welfare and also bring peace to the Land of Papua.

It cannot be denied , indeed the effort to be able to bring about these two things, namely prosperity and peace is not an easy job to do, but the Government with all its might and efforts is highly committed to continuing to work and present this.

Regarding this, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia ( Wapres ) KH. Ma’ruf Amin stated that the government continues to strive to encourage development in the Land of Papua, both development in physical form such as infrastructure and human development or improving the quality of human resources (HR) for the people of Cenderawsih Earth .

In fact , it’s not just a promise , but a strong commitment and accompanied by real work that the government continues to show very clearly, whether it’s from the direct presence of the Indonesian President, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), who has even repeatedly visited directly such as what is the progress of development in Papua, or is this real commitment manifested in how massive development is carried out by the government throughout the Land of Papua.

In addition, KH. Ma’ruf Amin, who is also the Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy for Papua or the Papuan Steering Committee, admits that he has set foot directly on Cenderawasih Earth many times and has witnessed the progress of efforts to accelerate development.

This includes some time ago when there was a division of the province with the aim of shortening the span of control, as well as efforts to bring government services closer to the people so that they are able to reach all corners of Papua.

This opportunity , pleaded the Vice President , should be utilized as well as possible by all parties to develop the welfare of the people of Papua. In order to develop the economy of the Papuan people, he stressed, the government’s enthusiasm has never subsided even though the current global economic situation is sluggish.

With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world and including Indonesia in at least the last 3 (three) years, all of this has disrupted the stability of the foundations of the world and national economy. However , according to the Vice President , the Indonesian people should be grateful because the precise method adopted by the government in handling the COVID-19 pandemic has proven to have made the country’s economy not collapse at all and is still strong .

Indonesia has even received a lot of appreciation from various parties and is considered one of the countries that has the best handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world.

Furthermore , the Vice President said that he believed that the Papuan Muslim Council (MMP) and all elements of society in the land of Papua would continue to jointly strive for peace in the land of Papua. He believes that MMP has 5 (five) basic attitudes, namely moderate, tolerant, upright, balanced and also continues to promote dialogue . All of these basic attitudes will certainly be able to help Papua not to get worse and fall into decline and social disaster.

Because , according to the Vice President , people in the land of Papua are used to facing and passing various tests that threaten human values. Therefore, he has very high hopes and trust in MMP, because they are considered never to be tired in their efforts to continue to build and bring peace, and are contributive and active in development in the Land of Papua.

Not to be left behind, KH. Ma’ruf Amin also expressed his greatest appreciation and sincerely thanked the religious and traditional leaders in the Land of Papua who have so far continued to work hand in hand in carrying out efforts to accelerate development in Cenderawasih Land .

According to him, the existence of cooperation between religious leaders and also traditional leaders is very important, because both of them are the spearheads for accelerating development through a cultural and humanist approach.

In fact, the welfare of all people in remote parts of the Land of Papua will be able to increase, but of course this cannot be obtained easily, but must be accompanied by a very strong commitment jointly from all parties to accelerate development and also the level of welfare. society is truly attainable.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

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