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This Academic Reveals Indonesia’s Advantages of Hosting the 2023 ASEAN Summit


Jakarta – The implementation of the ASEAN Summit which was held in Labuan Bajo received a positive response from various groups, including academics.

In this regard, Academician and Chancellor of the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta Mukhaer Pakkanna highlighted the advantages that Indonesia will gain as host of the ASEAN Summit.

“After the success of the G-20 grand event in 2022 in Bali, I see the government wants to sell the exoticism of other tourist destinations. This time, Labuan Bajo, which is claimed to be one of the super priority destinations, is the target of hosting the ASEAN Summit in May 2023. Moreover, this area is not too far from Bali,” said Mukhaer.

Apart from the world of tourism, Mukhaer also added that there would be an economic side and national and regional GDP which would also experience an increase.

“It will increase the National GDP and regional/provincial GDP, I think it will also increase the economic level of micro, small and medium enterprises that are in the ecosystem of the location of the tourism destination. Reflecting on Bali’s success as the location for the G-20 meeting, the economic sector, services and SME products increased significantly before and after the event,” said ITB Chancellor Ahmad Dahlan.

Mukhaer also expressed his hopes for the holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit which would have an impact on the world of education.

“Apart from promoting various tourist destinations, there are also many other elements, especially in the academic field, that we can do. Collaborative research, development and capacity building of local communities with a wide spectrum of studies,” hoped Mukhaer

Previously, the Executive Secretary of the Center for ASEAN Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad, considered that the ASEAN Summit was the right moment to realize various agreements in the G20 Forum.

“For example, regarding cooperation in the energy transition,” he said

Shofwan added that Indonesia has good capital leverage because it successfully held the G20 Summit last year.

For information, the 2023 ASEAN Summit will be held in Indonesia, precisely in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) in May 2023.

The Indonesian people, especially the residents of Labuan Bajo, fully support the 2023 ASEAN Summit because it will be very beneficial, from an economic and tourism perspective.

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