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Breaking Anies Baswedan’s Statement, This is Evidence of More Road Construction in the Jokowi Era Compared to the SBY Era


Jakarta – Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics states that there were more road constructions during President Jokowi’s era than during SBY’s era. This automatically breaks Anies Baswedan’s statement which states otherwise.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), during the 9 years of Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) administration, the 2014-2020 period, he has built 30,613 kilometers (km) of roads or 5.91 percent from 517,713 km in 2014 to 548,366 km in 2020 During this time, the total length of national roads has increased by 592 km from 46,432 km to 47,024 km. Meanwhile, provincial roads have increased by 1,317 km to 54,845 km in 2020 from a total road length of 53,528 km in 2014. Then, for district/city roads from 417,793 km to 446,497 or an increase of 28,794 km.

Meanwhile, the era of the administration of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), which took place in the 2004-2014 period, was able to increase the length of roads by a total of 144,825 km or 38.83 percent of the total national length of 372,928 km in 2004 to 517,753 km in 2014. In detail, state roads recorded an increase of 11,804 km, from 34,628 km in 2004 to 46,432 km. Then, the total length of provincial roads increased by 13,403 km to 53,528 km from the previous 40,125 km in 2004, while regency/city roads increased by 119,618 km to 417,793 km from 298,175 in 2004.

The development of road infrastructure has indeed become a priority in the administration of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) for two periods, including the construction of toll roads. Construction of toll roads during the Jokowi era was also carried out more intensively compared to the era of the Government of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). In the Jokowi era, it reached 1,848 kilometers, five times wider than the 350 kilometers in the SBY era.

Based on data from the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) noted, during Jokowi’s leadership period until March 2023, 1,848.1 kilometers of toll roads had been built, or an average of 264.01 km built per year. Previously, at the end of 2014, a total of 789.82 kilometers of toll roads were operating. So that the total until March 2023 is 2,623.51 kilometers.

“During the period of President Jokowi’s leadership from 2014 to March 2023, 1,848.1 km of toll roads have been built,” BPJT Head Danang Parikesit said in a working meeting with Commission V of the Indonesian Parliament recently.

Danang explained, until March 2023 there were 70 operational toll road sections managed by 49 Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) with a total toll road length of 2,623.51 kilometers. This figure has grown significantly compared to the end of 2019 with a length of 1,298.3 kilometers. By the end of 2024, it is targeted to be connected to 3,196 kilometers of toll roads.

Of the total 2,623.51 kilometers of toll roads in operation, the details are 1,716.15 km operating on the island of Java, 738.46 km on the island of Sumatra, 97.27 km on the island of Kalimantan, 61.46 km on the island of Sulawesi, and 10. 07 km on the island of Bali and NTB.

Meanwhile, during the reign of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from 2004 to 2014, from the data compiled by the editorial team, the construction of toll roads only reached 14 sections with a length of around 350 kilometers.

The toll roads built by SBY include the 58.5 km Cikampek- Padalarang Toll Road in 2005, the 5.4 km Suramadu Bridge in 2009, the 35 km Kanci-Pejagan Toll Road in 2010, the 73 km Semarang-Solo Toll Road in 2011.

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