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The Government Continues to Intensify Infrastructure Development in Papua New Guinea


The government continues to intensify infrastructure development in the 4 New Autonomous Regions (DOB) of Papua. The four provinces are still new, therefore they must be equipped, not only for local government buildings but also for supporting infrastructure. With roads, bridges and other infrastructure, the lives of the Papuan people will be better.

Papua finally has 4 new autonomous regions in 2022. The people of Papua are relieved because they finally have new provinces (South Papua, Central Papua, Highlands Papua, and Southwest Papua) and the division of this region was a request of their own. With the new autonomous region, there are many benefits, including more optimal services for Papuans, and also accelerating infrastructure development.

The existence of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua will accelerate infrastructure development in Cendrawasih. The reason is because if there is a new province, there will automatically be construction of new roads and public facilities. In addition, APBD funds per province will be in the form of infrastructure that makes people’s lives easier.

President Jokowi emphasized that the government is indeed very committed to developing the entire Land of Papua and creating equitable development in all corners of the archipelago without exception.

With this strong commitment, development throughout Indonesia is no longer using the Java-centric paradigm. In the future, the level of disparity between one region and another in the country will also diminish and there will no longer be a big difference between eastern and western Indonesia.

The realization of a strong commitment to developing Papua has been carried out in various ways by the Government. Even in the last few years alone, a lot of development has been carried out in various sectors and fields at once in Papua.

Some of the existing developments in Papua include the construction of the Trans Papua road infrastructure which has a length of up to 3,462 KM, then a border road that was built along 1,098 KM. In addition there is the construction of a 1.3 KM long bridge. Then there is the construction of airports such as Sentani International Airport, as well as the construction of border crossing posts.

It’s not half-hearted, so far the total budget that has been disbursed by the Government of Indonesia for the development of Papua during the reign of President Jokowi is not small. In order to realize an increase in the welfare of the people of Cenderawasih Earth, development acceleration is carried out by channeling funds at every level of local government, which even reaches up to IDR 1,036 trillion.

The very massive budget that has been disbursed by the Government is one of the clear proofs of how strong the commitment to developing the entire infrastructure of the Papua New Guinea is, which so far has been carried out not only at certain moments, but has been continuously implemented since 2014.

All elements of society in Indonesia, especially the people of Cenderawasih Earth, should continue to increase their participation in supervising all developments in the land of Papua.

Meanwhile, Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian stated that the Government would immediately carry out various infrastructure developments in the 4 New Autonomous Regions of Papua. The budget already exists, infrastructure development will start in October 2023.

In a sense, when there is a new autonomous region, it is not left alone. But the government also builds its infrastructure for the benefit of society. Once the infrastructure is in place, Polda will also be built per province for the safety of Papuans, especially in areas prone to KST attacks.

The infrastructure to be built in the 4 new autonomous regions includes roads, connecting roads between districts and provinces, and electricity infrastructure. This development is fully supported by the people because it will make their life even more advanced. Communities can enjoy electricity and representative connecting roads, thus facilitating their lives.

The Central Government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has allocated a 2023-2024 budget of IDR 6.6 trillion to finance infrastructure projects in 4 new provinces in Tanah Papua.

Ayub Faidiban, Chairman of the Association of Papuan Extended Families, stated that the addition of new autonomous regions is the key to accelerating development in Papua. With the addition of the new autonomous regions, it will trigger the development of infrastructure and human resources (HR) in Cendrawasih Earth.

In a sense, new infrastructure will be built in Papua for the advancement of the region. If there is a new province, a large-scale development will automatically be held. First of all, of course, what will be built is the highway, especially those leading to the provincial capital. People can enjoy paved roads and can be passed by motorbikes.

If there are more paved roads in Papua, the better because it makes people’s mobility easier. This infrastructure is really needed because the people of Papua have had difficulty moving because of the geographical conditions on Cendrawasih Land which are too difficult to pass by motorized vehicles. However, if there is a highway, it will shorten travel time and save fuel. The government continues to intensify the development of various infrastructure in Papua. All infrastructure such as roads, Trans Papua roads, bridges, etc. are done for the sake of the people of Cendrawasih. The goal is to make their lives easier and to move smoothly.

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