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Preventing Money Politics is the Key to Success in the 2024 Election


The 2024 election must run successfully so that a good quality president, vice president and legislators will be elected. One of the keys to the success of elections is preventing money politics. Don’t let people be tempted by bribes and they betray their own integrity. Money politics must be abolished and the perpetrators must remember that there are articles that can ensnare them, so they get the punishment they deserve.

The 2024 elections are planned to be held on February 14, 2024. The public is urged to hold peaceful elections and maintain unity. In addition, elections must be carried out on an honest and fair basis, because the goal is to find new Indonesian leaders who will bring progress.

Honesty in elections is emphasized because it is the key to its success. But it’s a shame that there is a threat of money politics in the 2024 election. Money politics is an attempt to influence the choices of voters or election organizers in exchange for material or other means. From this understanding, money politics is a form of bribery.

To prevent money politics in the 2024 elections, the National Police will form an Anti-Money Politics Task Force. This task force is also anticipating acts of fraud in the face of the 2024 elections. This was revealed by the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Pol Sandi Nugroho.

Inspector General of Police Sandi Nugroho continued, money politics caused disruption to community order and security, caused uproar and ultimately resulted in an unfair election. With the formation of the Anti-Money Politics Task Force, it is hoped that the security for the 2024 Election will run safely, smoothly and conducively.

In a sense, money politics must be prevented because it will destroy the principles of an honest and fair election, when there is bribery to potential voters, they are automatically dishonest, because they choose candidates for legislative and presidential candidates who are not in accordance with their conscience. Then, there is no justice because the election was marred by fraud and bribery by unscrupulous members of the candidate campaign team.

When the National Police formed the Anti-Money Politics Task Force, it was very good because it would prevent the spread of money politics in society. Especially in remote areas or villages where the people are still ordinary, very prone to bribery. When there is a bribe, the Task Force will immediately raid it and the perpetrators will be arrested.

In the Election Law (UU Number 7 of 2017) it is stated that if it is proven that the executors and the election campaign team promised or provided money or other materials in return, then they can be subject to sanctions. Among them, can be sentenced to a maximum of two years and a fine of up to IDR 24 million.

The sanctions will be different if money politics is carried out during a quiet period, and can be jailed for a maximum of four years and a fine of up to IDR 48 million. Meanwhile, if money politics is carried out on voting day, you can be fined for a maximum of three years and a fine of IDR 36 million. As for the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) as the party authorized to examine, review, decide on this money politics violation.

Meanwhile, Bawaslu Chairman Rahmat Bagja stated that the community must be actively involved in participating in monitoring during the calm period. Supervision during quiet times will be more optimal with the involvement of the community.

The public must have the courage to report to Bawaslu if they find any election violations, for example the practice of money politics or the dawn attack. The practice of money politics is a crime of democracy that cannot be tolerated. Don’t be afraid, if any suspicion of a dawn attack is found, the public is welcome to report it to Bawaslu officers.

Prevention of money politics is very important for the success of the 2024 Election. The reason is because if there is bribery then the Election can fail and be unfair. A competent presidential candidate failed to become president because he lost to another presidential candidate who used money politics. Meanwhile, candidates who are smart and want to become members of the legislature in order to defend the rights of the common people also fail because of the actions of other candidates’ campaign teams who bribe the public.

The public must also understand that money politics is dangerous because if they choose a presidential or legislative candidate because they are bribed, then they are lying to themselves. The nominal envelope money received is not much. But their fate can be at stake because the leaders and representatives of the people in this country are people who are less competent, who like to bribe for the sake of their own ambitions.

Sardonoharjo Village, located in Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, became the first village to self-proclaimed to reject money politics. The 25,000 villagers flatly refused bribes of any kind. This step should be imitated by other villages throughout Indonesia, because it will thwart money politics. Don’t practice money politics ahead of the 2024 general election because it could derail this grand event. Money politics can make elections chaotic because the elected presidential and legislative candidates are not those who are fighting for the progress of Indonesia. When there is a practice of money politics, it also violates the principle of an honest and fair election.

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