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Papua New Guinea Facilitates the Export of Local Products for a Global Community


The existence of regional expansion which was attempted by the Government of Indonesia through the formation of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua has in fact facilitated efforts to export many of the local products owned by the indigenous Papuan people (OAP), which currently produce their local products even more widely. accessible to the world.

Export activities are indeed profitable and at the same time make Indonesia’s regional name better known in the world. Recently the 2023 Papua Coffee Festival was held at the former Entrop Terminal for five consecutive days from 4 to 8 August 2023. There are various kinds of coffee served there, especially local coffee to attract the tourists who attend.

Head of the Papua Province Agriculture and Food Service Semuel Siriwa said that the Provincial Government (Pemprov) continues to support the Coffee Festival event which is being held in Eastern Indonesia. Semuel also hopes that coffee quality will improve by not harvesting coffee at a young age. Management also needs to be monitored and carried out properly so that later the coffee will produce superior quality which is really good and ready to be exported to the world.

For the coffee-producing areas themselves, many of them came from mountainous areas before the new autonomous regions existed. However, currently with the presence of the Papua New Guinea, especially the Papua Mountains Province, the potential for coffee development is increasingly being encouraged. There are several areas that were developed after the new autonomous regions, namely, Ambaidiru, Yapen Islands Regency, Kemtuk Gresi District, Jayapura Regency.

Coffee that has great potential in the market is Ambaidiru coffee which is located at an altitude above 1000 meters above sea level which has a taste exactly like Toraja coffee. Ambaidiru coffee also has good quality, because this coffee comes from the land of windmills, the Netherlands. Not wanting to miss this golden opportunity, the local provincial government immediately developed the coffee.

There are 100 hectares of land that have been provided by the government through the state budget to develop coffee in Ambaidiru. For maximum results, equipment and other assistance was also sent, such as coffee processing assistance, processing houses to coffee processing machines. The certified coffee seeds will also be handed over by the Plh Governor of Papua himself.

In order to export these copies, it cannot be done alone, there needs to be involvement and encouragement from the government to be distributed to various countries so that the coffee can exist more. In this case, of course it is very beneficial for society. How come? Because the export activities carried out can prosper the local community. Even though the Papua New Guinea has just been divided, therefore this great opportunity cannot be wasted.

Apart from that, Eastern Indonesia does indeed produce many valuable products. Apart from copies, exports of fishery commodities to Singapore have also been carried out. Jayapura Regency releases oysters and other fish.

The release was carried out by the Regional Government (Pemda) of Jayapura Regency through the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service (DKP), where it is known that commodities in the form of fisheries such as oysters and china bubbles were from CV Putra Tambu Papua to DKP Jayapura Regency, namely PT Salmon Oh Enterprise (Malaysia) to to Singapore.

Regarding the export release, the Head of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service of Jayapura Regency, Ir. Rudi Afdiner Saragih explained that this activity was the result of a series of follow-ups on the cooperation that had been carried out some time ago between his party and foreign investors.

For information, DKP Jayapura on May 31 2023 held business meetings and meetings with as many as 20 selected partners in the fish export sector. Previously there was also an agreement with Colombus Bonyadone that Bumi Cenderawasih would prove that they were capable of exporting so that foreign investors would want to come again to Indonesia and think that export activities could be well facilitated.

Therefore, these export activities were immediately intensified and moved quickly and routinely to report on all progress of activities, starting from how the fishermen from Jayapura Regency and other districts gathered together in order to export fish.

Firmly that the results of exports carried out by the people of Papua have the very best value of fish so of course it will make investors or investors, whether domestic or foreign, very interested because of the quality provided.

It turns out that many of the local products in Papua are able to increasingly reach the world with continued intensified export activities. Of course, this also cannot be separated from the efforts to expand the territory carried out by the Government of Indonesia by creating the Papua New Guinea.

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