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Uphold Pancasila Values, Reject Radicalism and Identity Politics Ahead of the Election


The General Election (Pemilu) is a major deliberation of the Indonesian people, where at this moment people flock to the Polling Station (TPS) to grant voting rights which is an embodiment of the values ​​of Pancasila, especially the fourth principle. Therefore, it is fitting that all kinds of things that take the form of radicalism and identity politics must be eradicated.

Chairman of the KPU, Hasyim Asy’ari, said that in Indonesia, one way to make decisions, including electing leaders, is by deliberation and consensus, so elections are an implementation or embodiment of the values ​​contained in Pancasila, especially the fourth principle, namely democracy led by wisdom in representative deliberations.

Hasyim also said that the election was a big deliberation for the Indonesian people, because on the same day all citizens registered as voters could give their opinions or ideas in the form of votes at the polling stations, meaning that the people were present for deliberation to determine the people’s leaders and representatives.

This democratic party will of course cause social ripples, such as rejection of groups that reject the Pancasila system, as is often done by radical groups. Therefore, radicalism also needs to be prevented and anticipated, so as not to disrupt political stability ahead of or during the election.

The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) stated that it would continue to anticipate and minimize the emergence of radical groups or the threat of terrorism ahead of the 2024 elections. It also promised to work harder so that the 2024 general elections and presidential elections would run smoothly.

In a Nationalist Guard discussion entitled ‘Facing Ideological Battles in the 2024 Election’, BNPT Prevention Director Brigadier General (Pol) Ahmad Nurwakhid said BNPT had proven its performance in maintaining and minimizing the threat of terrorism at the G20 Summit in Bali last November 15-16.

Wahkhid believes that what needs to be watched out for in parliamentary succession and national leadership in 2024 is identity politics. He said that identity politics was considered capable of triggering radicalism. Therefore, one way to overcome the threat of terrorism and radicalism in the 2024 General Election and Presidential Election is to reduce the politicization of religion so that it does not lead to the spread of hatred among society.

The government promotes Religious Moderation as a strategy to support policies for developing religious harmony in Indonesia and responding to existing diversity. This is in line with President Jokowi’s statement that Religious Moderation is the right choice and is in line with the spirit of Pancasila amidst the wave of extremism in various parts of the world.

Democratic values ​​recognize that difference and diversity are realities that must be accepted and celebrated. Because diversity will produce innovation and creativity which is positive energy for the nation’s progress.

A moderate attitude in religion must be developed and strengthened considering that there is a group of people who have excessive/extreme religious views, attitudes and practices, impose their will on religious interpretations accompanied by religious enthusiasm that is not in harmony with national love within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia.

Activities to strengthen Religious Moderation in the form of FGDs, workshops and the like are certainly needed to target the grassroots including the youth community who generally have wide access to the internet and information.

Society as the vanguard of resistance must be strengthened in unity of command and coated with the immunity of a strong national outlook and armed with a moderate, friendly, peaceful and tolerant religious understanding. Because this resistance cannot be done alone, but must be carried out together.

In a different place, the Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly, Bambang Soesatyo, reminded all parties to warn against the emergence of identity politics in the 2024 elections. This dirty method is not new and has already occurred at previous democratic parties. Referring to the results of the mapping of election vulnerabilities and elections regarding money politics carried out by Bawaslu in 2023, there are five most vulnerable provinces that need to be closely monitored.

The five regions are North Maluku with a score of 100, Lampung with a score of 55.56. West Java scored 50, Banten scored 44.44 and North Sulawesi scored 38.89.

If we look at the aggregation of each district/city, Papua Mountains is the province with the highest level of vulnerability to money politics. All districts there are in the vulnerable category. The nine provinces under Mountainous Papua are Central Sulawesi, DKI Jakarta, West Kalimantan, Banten, Lampung, West Papua, West Kawa, Riau Islands and North Maluku. The value of Pancasila needs to be upheld because Pancasila is the nation’s ideology which was agreed upon by the founding fathers of the nation. Politics often creates its own friction, but that doesn’t mean that friction then turns into hatred for the Republic of Indonesia, leading to counterproductive actions.

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