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Government guarantees safe rice stock ahead of Ramadan


The government guarantees that the supply of rice ahead of Ramadan is safe, because the supply of rice in the Bulog public warehouse and entering the Cipinang Rice Main Market (PIBC) Jakarta continues to increase. Apart from that, the Government also ensures that there are no problems with other basic commodities ahead of the fasting month and Eid.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, said that the main harvest will occur soon so that he can reduce the price of rice even lower while increasing the availability of rice stocks in Bulog’s public housing warehouses and at PIBC.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Susiwijono Moegiarso estimates that rice stocks will be filled by mid-March 2024 along with the arrival of imported rice and the big harvest. The realization of imports was carried out on a massive scale because the ships delivering imported rice were heading to Indonesia. Susiwijono Moegiarso added that once rice stocks are high, the market law is that prices will definitely fall and supplies will be poured into traditional markets and modern retail.

Therefore, the Government is working to accelerate rice imports so that stocks can be filled quickly. It is estimated that ships carrying imported rice will arrive in Indonesia in mid-March to coincide with the main harvest period. Apart from that, the Government will also carry out market operations by targeting Bulog to release 200,000 tons of rice for the Food Price Supply Stability (SPHP) program.

Then, the Head of Bapanas RI, Arief Prasetyo Adi, guaranteed that the availability of rice during the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1445 H was safe and sufficient. Arief said that his party would accelerate the addition of Bulog’s rice stock to deal with a surge in demand during the Ramadan and Idul Fitri 2024 periods to anticipate shortages or price instability.

Currently, Bulog’s rice stock is around 1.4 tons and is ready to be distributed to various regions in the country. Bulog’s stock must be at least 1.2 million tons with the latest stock level being 800,000 tons, and  good  in transit  (goods sent) around 500,000 to 600,000 tons. So, the government must continue to maintain rice stocks at 1.4 million tons.

Apart from that, Arief Prasetyo said that in several areas there will be a big harvest in the near future or around next March. This can increase stocks while maintaining rice price stability because the rice harvest could be above three million tons or around 3.5 million tons.

On the other hand, the Regent of Bandung, Dadang Supriatna said that the District Government. (Pemkab) Bandung has taken anticipatory steps to be ready to meet the needs of the community ahead of the holy months of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, namely by carrying out cross-sector coordination with related agencies, monitoring or supervising community community prices on a regular basis, as well as carrying out subsidized market and market operations. Cheap.

On the same occasion, the Head of the District Food Security and Fisheries Service (Dispangtan). Bandung, Ina Dewi Kania also agrees with this. He said that Dispangtan had collaborated with Perum Bulog and Regional Government to roll out the rice commodity within the framework of SPHP.

Furthermore, Ina Dewi added that her party had also taken part in stabilizing food prices and rice supplies by regularly carrying out the Cheap Food Movement (GPM), as well as distributing food aid to vulnerable groups such as motorbike taxi drivers, Koran teachers and cultural figures. will be carried out periodically in various areas of the District. Bandung until the end of March collaborated with Perum Bulog for SPHP rice commodities.

As a form of the Government’s commitment to the community, the Bulog Merauki Branch Office ensures that rice stocks ahead of the holy month of Ramadan and the Idul Fitri celebrations are still safe and able to meet the needs of the people in the South Papua region. From the data obtained, the availability of rice stock currently owned by Bulog is 1,700 tons of rice in Bulog’s warehouse. Meanwhile, at Merauke Port there are 36 containers or 900 tons of rice, and another 7,500 tons of rice will enter in March 2024.

Head of the Merauke Bulog Branch Office, Firman Mando, said that the availability of rice stocks ahead of the month of Ramadan is still relatively safe and can last for the next three months to meet the rice needs of the people in the South Papua region. Judging from the data above, Firman Mando emphasized that the rice stock in South Papua is 2,300 tons of rice.

In addition, the target for rice absorption in 2024 is around 16,000 tonnes, and according to predictions the rice harvest season will start in March and April so it is hoped that the availability of rice will start to increase which will have an impact on the price of rice on the market returning to normal according to the Highest Retail Price (HET).

In this way, the Government’s efforts to ensure stock availability and rice price stability should be supported by all parties because it is a form of commitment and concern for the community so that they do not experience shortages when celebrating the momentum of the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. For this reason, it is hoped that people will not worry, which will lead to  panic buying  because the Government has ensured that rice will continue to be available for the next few months 

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