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The entire House of Nationalities and Diversity Network supports WWF because it has the same vision of caring about water issues


Bali- All networks related to the House of Nationality and Diversity Pasraman Satyam Eva Jayate (Rumah KAKEK) based in Bali fully support the implementation of the World Water Forum (WWF) which will take place 18-25 May 2024 with the theme “Water for Shared Prosperity”.

This was conveyed by the General Chairperson of the House of Nationality and Diversity Pasraman Satyam Eva Jayate (Rumah KAKEK), Ketut Udi Prayudi in Denpasar, Bali.

The main reason the Rumah KAKEK Network fully supports WWF’s activities is because they have the same vision and concern, namely caring about water issues, said Ketut Udi.

Rumah KAKEK has implemented infiltration wells so that rainwater is not wasted into the sewers, but goes into the ground, then the Rumah KAKEK network also processes organic waste left over from vegetables collected from traditional markets and then processed into Eco Enzyme. “This Eco Enzyme solution is then poured into rivers and lakes, so that the water quality becomes better,” he explained.

“This concept is continuously being transmitted to the community to participate and work together to ensure that the quality of water in their respective environments improves and is far from being contaminated by waste,” said Ketut Udi.

The current activities of the KAKEK House Network, which is supported by dozens of community organizations, have given rise to the attitude that water is the world’s main problem. “Now, with WWF in Bali, it certainly adds to our confidence to continue to focus on water issues,” he stressed.

Udi hopes that many policies will be produced to make the world’s water of better quality. And the Indonesian people have learned the lesson, especially Bali can also get promotion as a destination that has a sustainable environmental system, “So we are waiting for the results from WWF. “Hopefully people will be more enlightened to care about water,” he concluded.

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